Stop the Wind Farms in North Jack County!


We, the citizens and landowners of northern Jack County, petition the Jack County Commissioners’ Court to deny and categorically reject any tax reinvestment zone application for industrial scale wind farm development under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code.

Industrial wind farm developments will irreversibly depress our property values by upwards of 50%, cause irreparable harm to our environment, threaten endangered wildlife, and destroy some of the most productive ranch and farm land in the world.  There are many well documented economic, health and environmental impacts to our communities caused by turbine infrasound, shadow flicker, blade throw and agricultural damages.   Yet the benefits of a tax reinvestment zone will accrue only to a foreign utility company, and a few, mostly nonresident, landowners, while the vast majority of our citizens will suffer uncompensated damages.

I therefore demand that the Jack County Commissioners’ Court immediately adopt this policy with all wind farm reinvestment zone applications.

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