Absorbe 3 months Covid-19 Field Social worker within the South African Department of Social Services

We as Social workers who were placed in a 3 month contract ending on the 31st of August 2020 wish to tell the Nation about what is being done to us by our own government exploiting us in a very painful time of pandemic, whereas it allover the media that the Minister of Social Development has employed social workers for psychosocial support "Which we feel they are just misleading the nation" as it nit true. 

  • We are fighting that they extend the 3 months contracts but most people didnt get that opportunity and we all want employment within the department not in Sassa or post offices being que marshals. #fightagainstSocialWorkExploitation #doawaywithcorruption
  • There is no experience we are gaining from working in Sassa and post offices.
  • Raising our concerns within our district offices they are not taken into consideration 
  • Most of our colleagues only submitted documents however never been call to report to work. 
  • One province has extended (Free State) however in other provinces we are still left in the dark. 

Covid19 contract/unemployed Social workers    Contact the author of the petition