Most Popular Petitions

  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


745 Created: 2015-11-15 Statistics

Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

7679 Created: 2010-11-12 Statistics

Let Mr. Milko stay

27 Created: 2023-02-22 Statistics

Stop This Violation Of Human Rights

400 Created: 2010-11-27 Statistics

Petition against the legalization of environmental destruction

785 Created: 2012-04-19 Statistics

Statement of the Network of University Teachers against banning the Gender Studies Program

5124 Created: 2018-08-14 Statistics

Support the Romanian Tax incentive law

3768 Created: 2017-11-28 Statistics

AAS school bus

24 Created: 2017-09-04 Statistics

Petition for the protection of the Vltavska metro station concrete cascades spot

2885 Created: 2021-06-06 Statistics

Support the idea of ​​the Family Homesteads Settlements (FHS) in Europe and worldwide!

1991 Created: 2016-05-12 Statistics

International support for non-governmental organizations at No. 6 Metelkova Street in Ljubljana, Slovenia

1329 Created: 2020-10-24 Statistics

Analytic Philosophy Department in Zagreb to be closed down

1783 Created: 2017-03-21 Statistics

Alert ! French conservators-restorers are in danger !

6853 Created: 2016-03-16 Statistics

We are against the Emergency Decree (OUG) no. 13/2017 that modifies the Penal Code

118649 Created: 2017-02-02 Statistics

We want to travel with our 8/9 weeks old pedigree-puppies

5864 Created: 2015-01-09 Statistics

Stop Testing on Monkeys

5772 Created: 2013-09-12 Statistics

Right to use sign language in educational programmes

9232 Created: 2010-09-17 Statistics

Against detaching the National Observatory of Athens from Greece's network of research centers

2701 Created: 2023-11-19 Statistics

Във Велинград ТРЯБВА да се направи приют за бездомни животни

14 Created: 2014-08-05 Statistics

Initiative to build a monument to Ilian Nikolov in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

17 Created: 2014-07-22 Statistics