Most Popular Petitions

  • Country: Canada
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

No immigration of 25,000 refugees

75905 Created: 2015-11-14 Statistics


15770 Created: 2016-04-04 Statistics

Abolishing CRSB eligibility for non essential traveler

9978 Created: 2021-01-02 Statistics

Protect Canada - Trudeau's resignation

8547 Created: 2015-11-16 Statistics

Let's Save the Equestrian Park of Blainville

7440 Created: 2015-09-16 Statistics

Arrest Justin Trudeau and Liberal MPs for TREASON immediately.

6144 Created: 2017-02-10 Statistics

Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

73489 Created: 2021-09-29 Statistics

Let's demand to M. Justin Trudeau to ban niqab & burka in public in Canada.

4887 Created: 2015-11-15 Statistics

Vote de non confiance de la part des sénateurs envers le gouvernements Liberal et le retrait de touts les mandats

4381 Created: 2022-02-23 Statistics

Relieve Dominic Cardy of his duties as a member of the Executive Council.

4058 Created: 2020-02-18 Statistics

Le maintien des subventions aux magazines scientifiques pour les jeunes

3689 Created: 2014-12-12 Statistics

Free iranian soldiers

395452 Created: 2014-03-07 Statistics

Canadians for Accountability and Change - Reform Governments in Canada

3069 Created: 2023-03-24 Statistics

Request to cancel the PSAC and TB vote (PA, SV and EB groups)

2723 Created: 2010-12-12 Statistics

Developmentally Challenged have been denied access to services

2592 Created: 2014-10-16 Statistics

Stop The Vaccine Passport

2566 Created: 2021-07-30 Statistics

Against the salary of the deputy's of government Couillard

2347 Created: 2015-03-03 Statistics

Outremont's arbitrary attitude towards human rights and freedoms

1623 Created: 2016-05-23 Statistics

Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا

524538 Created: 2015-09-28 Statistics

The removal of the Canadian liberal government.

1474 Created: 2020-12-05 Statistics