CapeTown! At the Disco

IMG-20190311-WA0009.jpgAyy, sinners of South Africa. Few of us have got to witness the glory of a live Panic! concert and what a shame some of us have not. We have taken the liberty of chiming in and try to get Panic!  perform in South Africa again. What a beautiful concept don't you think?  We think it's a great a idea so let's write our sins by signing this petition and not let this be a tradegy.

We are dying to see Panic! At the Disco live and if you want to stand up and sing hallelujah sign this petition. The need to see panic! is like a fever I can't sweat out. I know it sounds pretty. odd.  I guess you could say we're too weird to live but too rare to die. 

#CapeTownAtTheDisco #ctatd

CapeTown! At the Disco    Contact the author of the petition