Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#6 Tax revenues from small breaks?

2012-01-10 16:09

If the Cobb county government is so dependent on tax revenues from a couple of weeks at Whitewater and other "summer venues" in Cobb County that it affects the school calendar, then there is a serious problem that needs to be remedied - and that problem is NOT the balanced calendar.



#24 Re: Tax revenues from small breaks?

2012-01-11 01:45:59

Maybe you would make a good candidate???

Concerned Mom

#329 Re: Tax revenues from small breaks?

2012-01-23 16:55:24

I completely agree with "#6: - Tax revenues from small breaks? ", if our community is that dependent on the revenue from the likes of White Water or any other amusement venue, then perhaps we need to re-evaluate our priorities and where we spend our discretionary income. Our kids and their education should come first.  There are a VAST number of families that do not pay ANY taxes, however, they DO spend money on entertainment, cigarettes, alcohol, and many other recreational activities. I would like to see them contribute SOMETHING to the FREE education their kids are receiving at everyone else's expense. The percent of parents who contribute their valuable time, money and support is shockingly low.

Let's get real, if something is not done about our education system, more families are going to choose alternative sources for their children's education, which in turn, will mean those parents will not be supporting public education with their time, donations, etc. Of course, their tax dollars WILL continue to go to the schools they are zoned for (which we do not think is fair!). Our family has already decided to make the necessary financial sacrifices to afford to do just this, in the event things do not change; we will be researching private school options if the Cobb County School System does not put the needs of the students and teachers first.