Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post

Fed up with you people...

#95 Are you kidding???

2012-01-14 01:56

Give me a break. Is this the best that parents of Cobb students can do? There are MANY more important issues to rally around. The school year is the school year. If you don't like it your choices are simple. (1) Move, (2) have your child attend private school, (3) vote out your school board representative, (4) suck it up and get a life.

More important issues such as crime, economy, student 'bullying', traffic, environment should be at your forefront, not a school calendar. Too bad little Jimmy's mommy & daddy don't like the school calendar because it cramps their lifestyle.

As adults, you should be using your time and efforts on much more important issues than a school calendar. Try re-grouping this time and effort into something more meaningful and longer lasting than a few days of school. What's worse is that your kids are learning to pick at tiny things that are so minute and skipping the big picture. What a great role model you all are!


I agree

#96 Re: Are you kidding???

2012-01-14 01:59:21

#95: Fed up with you people... - Are you kidding???

I agree with that writeup!  There are more important things than a school calendar.


#99 Re: Are you kidding???

2012-01-14 03:28:12

#95: Fed up with you people... - Are you kidding???

You are implying that we do not spend our time on other issues.  Maybe we are involved in ALL the aspects that concern education from "bullying" to legislative reform to budget concens, etc.  This is just a piece of the puzzle, but a piece that deserves our attention if we want to improve our schools.  I personally am involved in this and PTSA and school Foundations and all the organizations that improve our schools because I care about the whole picture.

And maybe some of us cannot afford to move or cannot afford to attend private school or did not have a Board Member up for vote last election.  And sorry to disappoint you, but we have a life.  Our life is helping our children, our schools and our community.   And I'm proud to show my children how one voice can make a difference.


#297 Re: Are you kidding???

2012-01-20 17:59:50

#95: Fed up with you people... - Are you kidding???

gosh, I think we're all so grateful to you for your helpful suggestions pertaining to our time management.  I was having such difficulty filling my time with with meaningful purpose until you so aptly pointed it out to us all.  Now that you have opened our eyes to a more purpose driven life, we'll certainly be the better for it.  Perhaps you could even use "suck it up and get a life" as a title to a new book. Our whole great nation can benefit from your pendantic analysis of the al the issues you  feel we are neglecting.  I suppose the majority of us have certainly misunderstood the revelance of the balanced calendar.