Most recent petitions in France
Petitions with at least 5 signatures are listed here. Learn more... |
Camping Domaine de Chalain must stay!
621 Created: 2022-09-23 Statistics
Reinstate the post of Professor of Burmese at SOAS, University of London
546 Created: 2022-08-24 Statistics
Stop the solar farm next to Barnsdale Gardens
3015 Created: 2022-08-02 Statistics
Enable (Habilitar) the WTC Plaza to Skateboarding - Barcelona
487 Created: 2022-07-19 Statistics
For the Return of the Series "The Time Traveler's Wife"
194 Created: 2022-07-02 Statistics
Declare the WEF and all Associates an International Terrorist Organization
448 Created: 2022-06-07 Statistics
Save Shadowhunters
559 Created: 2022-06-06 Statistics
Free imprisoned trade unionists in Iran/طومار برای آزادی فعالین صنفی معلمی و کارگری در ایران
3203 Created: 2022-05-23 Statistics
Zet Halsema de regenboog community op straat? / Is Halsema putting the rainbow community on the street?
1458 Created: 2022-05-13 Statistics
Support LGBT people at UoR after pro-conversion therapy for trans people talk
584 Created: 2022-04-25 Statistics
Who gets behind bars for killing dogs in Berbesti by poisoning ! Yeah Romania ,Romania wild people!
1033 Created: 2022-04-07 Statistics
Education Now
6 Created: 2022-04-05 Statistics
Free Tamara Lich, political prisoner in Ottawa, Canada
309 Created: 2022-02-28 Statistics
We ask to allow the issue of student visas for the purpose of studying in Czech universities for the citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus
4646 Created: 2022-02-28 Statistics
IKEA: pause your 27 Russian stores during the war! Let's try to make a change where we can!
763 Created: 2022-02-25 Statistics
Vote de non confiance de la part des sénateurs envers le gouvernements Liberal et le retrait de touts les mandats
4381 Created: 2022-02-23 Statistics
Pronuncement against the cancelation of the legal status of univrsities in Nicaragua - Today on your behalf... we mobilize!
263 Created: 2022-02-14 Statistics
1537 Created: 2022-02-04 Statistics
support orthoptists to benefit from Qébec Government aids during Pandemic Period
100 Created: 2022-01-21 Statistics
The Argument against Nuclear Power as Sustainable for Finance
1502 Created: 2021-12-21 Statistics