Give Rajini Diriks her adoptionfile?!

My name is Rajini Diriks, a 35-year old woman from Belgium.

I was born on the 24th of February 1983 in Tezpur.

4 days later on the 28th someone, probably my biological mother, brought me to the orphanage of Missionaries of Charity in Tezpur. It is also known as the orphanage of Mother Theresa.

On the 22th of May 1985 I am adopted by 2 lovely Belgian parents. Although I had or still have a happy life here in Belgium. I am still missing my biological family. I want to know who they are! And complete the missing hole in my heart.

I went in November 2018 to my orphanage but they did not let me see my adoption file. I know ly biological mother her first name and that is Rabiya and I know that she is 35 and lived in Sonitpur (Tezpur). But the most important thing, my mother’s last name, the orphanage did not want to tell me. I asked them to see my adoption file, because I have question, family and medical reasons. But they refused!

So that is why I will try anything to persuade them, so they will agree.

So please sign this petition