International justice,corporatism and the collapse of banksters

Operation Times of justice

As for Nuremberg we propose to the beloved souls of freedom to gather evidence and arguments in favour of a new economic justice so that an international tribunal can be seized by all and declaring "apte" by an Oversight Committee citizens to judge the criminal activities of the predators of the global finance (as well as their State collaborator) acting in an ultra-liberal economic context devoid of ethics allow them to let die children  of hunger everywhere worldwide and participate in the general appauvrissment of populations to the detriments of the real democracy (as people power) notably by speculating on the States debt and privatizing resources market .Let us be the first to set an example because if we want a democratic world we must, we responsible citizens, acting as Democrats and do not let injustices as if we could nothing, this should change irreversibly.The political power it is we and the Bank dominates this power currently.Gather our forces for the good of all.


100,000 signatures (500 000?) to sensibilize the mass opinion and intent the process.For that we have to find contacts with professionnals of justice solidars to the project to constitute a strong legal action.


Anyone with a feeling of help can message me.