Most recent petitions in Iceland

  • Country: Iceland
  • Language: English

Stuðningur við frumvarp Alþingis um lengingu fæðingarorlofs

802 Created: 2017-02-06 Statistics

We are against the Emergency Decree (OUG) no. 13/2017 that modifies the Penal Code

118647 Created: 2017-02-02 Statistics

Petition against slaughter and export for slaughter of Polish horses

52259 Created: 2017-01-30 Statistics

Systrasamlagið áfram á Seltjarnarnesi

146 Created: 2017-01-01 Statistics

Fyrir Aleppo

484 Created: 2016-12-17 Statistics

Verndum Drekasvæðið gegn olíuvinnslu / Protect Iceland's Dreki Area against oil drilling

96 Created: 2016-12-12 Statistics

Við Viljum Eyborgina Aftur Í Miðbæ Akureyrar

12 Created: 2016-11-14 Statistics

Félagar í HRFÍ óska eftir félagsfundi varðandi málefni félagsins

82 Created: 2016-11-07 Statistics

Áskorun kennaranema

206 Created: 2016-11-05 Statistics

Krafa frá kennurum til sveitarfélaga

3202 Created: 2016-11-04 Statistics

Steina Vasulka á heiðurslaun listamanna

310 Created: 2016-11-01 Statistics

Eru börn, fædd 14. október 2016 og fyrr, ódýrari en börn fædd 15. október 2016 og síðar?

2642 Created: 2016-10-13 Statistics


1428 Created: 2016-09-28 Statistics

Liridon Destani and his family. We need help!

2057 Created: 2016-09-20 Statistics

Frí í fyrstu 2 tímum morgunin eftir böll

266 Created: 2016-09-08 Statistics


9 Created: 2016-09-06 Statistics

Leik- og grunnskóla mál í Reykjavíkurborg - Við krefjumst aðgerða

2014 Created: 2016-08-30 Statistics

Aid al Adha prayer unity 1437- 2016

40 Created: 2016-08-18 Statistics

Sendum ekki þessa fjölskyldu burt út í óvissuna.

12 Created: 2016-07-14 Statistics

Áskorun á íslensk stjórnvöld - Barnaverndarmál í Noregi

1201 Created: 2016-07-13 Statistics