Jasmines' Heart 2013 -Human Rights,of Disabled & Heart Transplant

Have great niece that has been denied 2 times or a heart transplant because she is disabled.  If you think about it who doesn't have some type of disability? She is vibrate and in good spirits through all of this.  She and others are humans, and have a purpose.

The fact that she has been at two of the finest institutions that do the procedure, and have been given awards for this  procure however. Want to refuse this medical treatment to her.

In the end God is the one in control. He is the one that gives life, If it is for her to live with or with the heart transplant, is something out of our control. However not to give the person a chance to get the medical treatment that may give her a few more years of life.  A procedure that is done on the daily.  Giving God the glory! To be turned down because it is thought  that a person because of a disability,is less important in society.

I am sure there are many that get the transplant and it doesn't work or is rejected. (that are not disabled).And there are many that get the transplant and it works and has given some a little more time to live.  (God be the glory for ever and ever).  Knowledge to do the transplants come from God.

A disable person is still human, and has right to get the rights as any other human would be given.