Labour Party members and friends in Mid Derbyshire affirm support for Jeremy Corbyn

We the members of Mid Derbyshire Constituency Labour Party are delighted to reaffirm our wholehearted confidence in Jeremy Corbyn as the outstanding person best equipped to lead our party into Government whenever a General Election is called by the most destructive Tory Government in living memory.

As a Constituency Labour Party that is proud to have nominated Jeremy twice for the important role of leadership, we furthermore proclaim complete confidence in him to work tirelessly to annihilate the corrosive evil of anti Semitism wherever and in whatever form it may appear in the Labour Party and indeed the wider United Kingdom in all its terrible aspects.

We call upon all Labour members and especially those of our party elected to public office whether locally, or as Labour Members of Parliament, to stand up loud and proud in defence of our elected leader, our Labour principles and values and work honourably for the election of a Labour Government led by Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister.