Make Newlands Safe: PRASA must fix old Springbok Pub

JzIUOI54qXQ0sD67h7Mq875TALo.jpgAfter numerous attempts by the previous lessee and the ward councillor to get PRASA to fix their dereliction of responsibility, and numerous complaints laid by residents via GSCID, PRASA is yet to fix the abandoned and derilict former Springbok Pub building.

Local Claremont/Rondebosch DA Branch - Ward 59, invites all residents of Ward 59 to join a petition for PRASA to take responsibility and make the abandoned building safe. Our beloved neighbourhood cannot become a hotspot for crime because the infrastructure creates an unsafe environment. 

The petition will be handed over to PRASA Corporate Real Estate Solutions and the Newlands PRASA Station Manager. 

Mikhail Manuel, Branch Chairperson. Claremont/Rondebosch DA Branch - Ward 59    Contact the author of the petition