Most popular petitions in Netherlands in 2018
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
No language, no life
Created: 2018-04-16 Statistics
Vote NO to National Parc Nieuwland!!!
Created: 2018-03-24 Statistics
Stop the attacks and banning of the Prophetic (unstunned) slaughter method
Created: 2016-09-06 Statistics
Stop the extinction of wolves in Norway!
Created: 2016-05-22 Statistics
Wij zijn blij met speeltuin de Spil in Rokkeveen Zoetermeer!
Created: 2018-01-25 Statistics
More vegan food options at WUR
Created: 2017-11-12 Statistics
Initiative to place chess tables in Vondelpark, Amsterdam
Created: 2017-11-02 Statistics
Nijmegen should have an Edward van Halenstreet
Created: 2018-04-23 Statistics
Petition against slaughter and export for slaughter of Polish horses
Created: 2017-01-30 Statistics
Rhetorics Written Exam - PPLE Class of 2020
Created: 2018-01-25 Statistics
Stop agressief rijgedrag van bestuurders tegenover paard en ruiter
Created: 2018-01-11 Statistics
Statement of the Network of University Teachers against banning the Gender Studies Program
Created: 2018-08-14 Statistics
Save the Norwegian Institute at Athens!
Created: 2018-10-28 Statistics
I am a refugee in my own country
Created: 2014-10-21 Statistics
We want Demi Lovato to sing ‘warrior’ live during her concert in the netherlands.
Created: 2018-02-18 Statistics
The right to mock exams between the written and oral BAC
Created: 2018-01-11 Statistics
Keep Electric Vehicles quiet
Created: 2018-03-07 Statistics
The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!
Created: 2018-05-11 Statistics
Refunds of Orkambi in Poland - medicine for Cystic fibrosis
Created: 2017-04-13 Statistics
DECLARATION in Defense of Religious Freedom in Bulgaria
Created: 2018-06-01 Statistics