Remove Uniforms from The Lauderdale County Schools

Many parents and students of Lauderdale County Schools wish to abolish the current uniform dress code and replace it with a more fit code that allows our children to express themselves more freely with the choice of clothing and garments. It was understood by parents and faculty that the adoption of the uniform code would deter kids from bullying over non name brand apparel, but in hindsight many parents believe it has only added more financial stress and has had little to no impact on the continued bullying in our school system. The uniform code is insufficient and we ask the school system to consider appealing this code for the entire Lauderdale County School district, if it appeals to their beliefs as well. Uniforms are expensive and hard to find after the school year has begun. These that are found are lower quality uniforms that have to be replaced more quickly along with the additional factor that the children grow out of the clothing before the school year comes to an end. A proper dress code is a part of everyone's wishes, but the current uniform policy is ineffective and uneconomical. Please sign if you agree to abolish the current uniform code so that it may be presented to the Lauderdale County School District.