Please support the Ex SAA employees that agreed to take the VSPS but still haven’t received payment or communication from South African Airways.

The purpose and mission of this petition is to: 

I) Demand payment of VSP’s with immediate effect from SAA without any further delays from the agreed date of 31st January as per media statement and recent agreement signed

II) Demand immediate communication concerning this matter.

We as the former employees of South African Airways would like to express our deep dissatisfaction and great disappointment in how SAA has handled the VSP process thus far. 
We were notified by the media last week Thursday the 28th of January 2021 that the company had received the money allocated to pay out VSP but no communication has been sent to us.

According to the document that we signed between ourselves and SAA we were supposed to receive our payments by the 31st of January or when the funds have been made available to SAA by the DPE.
Many of us have made many sacrifices in the hopes that agreeing to take the VSPs would be the solution to the company being saved from liquidation.

We have gotten into debt in the past couple of months, many of us have had our cars, homes repossessed and we are literally on the verge of being homeless, some are currently on antidepressants as debts keep piling up and they have no means of income to settle debt. The misery, loss of hope and depression needs to end and the payment of VSPs to be settled.

We would like to get communication from SAA addressing this extremely urgent matter and demand for our payment to reflect in the former employees accounts by Friday 5th February 2021 as the due date has past and we have once again been deceived by the company.

Ex SAA employees who took VSP    Contact the author of the petition

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