Public petition to extend the pilot project of extended operating hours at the Newlands Public Swimming Pool.

FNP_logo.JPG2 January 2024

Dear Councillor Mikhail Manual (CoCT ward 59), Ms Chantel Michaels (CoCT Director of Recreation & Parks), Ms Emma Powell (Newlands area/constituency MP), Dr Karl le Roux (local MP),

with CC to Ms Pauline McConney (CoCT Head of Recreation & Parks), Ms Phumla Mrubata (Sub area head), Ms Candice Bossr (Principal facility officer) and Mr Tarkquin Paramoer (Site manager of Newlands Pool).

The local swimming community would like to express its sincere appreciation to the Newlands Swimming Pool authorities and local authorities for the current pilot project of extended operating hours (7am to 7pm, 7 days/week) at the Newlands Public Swimming Pool. Following years of controversy regarding the significant non-availability of this amazing community asset, the current trial has been hugely appreciated by the swimming community.  

The utilisation of this opportunity by the swimming community has been resounding and growing, underlining the fact that the community has a strong desire and commitment to using this amazing community asset.  

The local swimming community would therefore like to request that the piloted operating hours be extended for another month (16/01/2025 to 15/02/2025), to allow the continued gathering of operational management data and to allow the swimming community an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to using the pool beyond the current period of festive holidays and work leave. Indeed, an extension of the trial will offer valuable data to indicate community’s use of the pool under “normal” circumstances when the community is at work/school/varsity/college etc. and normal life routines are in operation.  

We would like to request engagement with, and support for the site staff at the pool, regarding resourcing and equipment shown to be lacking and problematic in the trial thus far, perhaps including pool cleaning equipment, cordoning ropes, etc. as per Mr Paramoer’s guidance.  

Furthermore, given that the Newlands Pool boasts a 50m main pool with a grandstand, a deep 25m pool (that has historically been used for diving and water-polo), a shallow children’s pool, extensive grassy lawns and well-equipped changing rooms, the Friends of Newlands Pool community would like to request the expediting of the process to see Newlands pool restored to its previous regional pool status ASAP and appropriately resourced to leverage the potential of its fantastic existing infrastructure. 

This petition has been coordinated by the Friends of Newlands Swimming Pool Board (constitution available on request) and represents the views of the signed community members below:

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