Ramaphosa must fall


- The depression and despair we see amongst the men in our country due to unemployment. We refuse to sit back and watch our men become undermined in this country.

- The issue of drugs in our communities, our children are unemployed, graduates are resorting to drugs for escape. We have a Nyaope , crystal and other drugs pandemic our government is not taking seriously.

- The factories are closed in our townships and rural areas. Why are we forced to become a consumer nation ? Why are we not manufacturing, working and participating to build an economy?

- Rand manipulation that saw no one get arrested, the interest rates sky rocketed and people lost their homes and cars. Even today we are still paying those exorbitant interest rates.

- The uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants. We demand stricter immigration laws in our country.

For these reason we request President Ramaphosa to leave office that he has occupied for the last five years without any change instead our lives are worse. Our people, from our wombs are dying.Enough is enough!


Tholakele Ntuli
36 stralitzia street


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