Most popular petitions in Serbia in 2013

  • Country: Serbia
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Petition for the arrival of low cost airlines in Nis

Created: 2013-10-16 Statistics

Google Navigation in Serbia

Created: 2012-11-30 Statistics

Air Serbia - Београд - Барселона / Air Serbia - Belgrado - BCN

Created: 2013-10-08 Statistics

Peticija za hitno osnivanje azila za pse u Novom Sadu

Created: 2012-01-07 Statistics


Created: 2013-01-05 Statistics

Želimo Srbiju na Evrosongu 2014!

Created: 2013-11-25 Statistics

Stop transportation of donkeys from Bonaire to Haiti

Created: 2012-07-12 Statistics

Hoćemo pečat za radnike Niša!

Created: 2013-01-22 Statistics

Vratimo lice niškoj Tvrđavi

Created: 2012-10-31 Statistics

Dog Dragged to Death

Created: 2012-04-23 Statistics

Support the official recognition of the new hieromartyr Daniil

Created: 2012-11-09 Statistics

Stop Testing on Monkeys

Created: 2013-09-12 Statistics


Created: 2013-05-27 Statistics

Plava voda Travnik

Created: 2013-03-11 Statistics


Created: 2012-03-06 Statistics

Minecraft for ARMv6!

Created: 2012-02-21 Statistics

Za ponovno ispitivanje Dragana Paravinje o slučaju Antonije Bilic

Created: 2011-08-04 Statistics

Ricky Martin in Belgrade, Serbia

Created: 2011-06-07 Statistics

Поддршка за резолуција против нуклеарна централа во Македонија

Created: 2011-03-31 Statistics

Merge All EU Servers (English, French, German)

Created: 2011-02-07 Statistics