Most Popular Petitions

  • Country: Russia
  • Language: English
All time | 24 hours | 7 days | 30 days | Last month | 12 months | This year (2025) | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Free Armin

681 Created: 2012-11-25 Statistics

Merge All EU Servers (English, French, German)

141 Created: 2011-02-07 Statistics

"Colonel Bagshot - Oh! What A Lovely War" on CD

132 Created: 2010-10-07 Statistics

Stopp steinbruddet i Bremanger! // Stop the building of a quarry in Bremanger, Norway!

5376 Created: 2024-02-07 Statistics

Complaints from the BKEX exchange

1477 Created: 2023-11-03 Statistics

Advocate for the animals in Seychelles STOP POISONING

753 Created: 2023-04-09 Statistics

Petition for the preservation and repair of the cultural monument of the railway bridge under Vyšehrad

24924 Created: 2022-12-13 Statistics

Petition for the protection of the Vltavska metro station concrete cascades spot

2885 Created: 2021-06-06 Statistics

“Have the courage to be sensible", one does not bury history

3475 Created: 2015-06-28 Statistics

UriaH Heep for Hall of Fame

204 Created: 2014-10-11 Statistics

Save the Danish National Chamber Orchestra

40198 Created: 2014-09-08 Statistics

Stop killing stray dogs

3970 Created: 2014-03-08 Statistics

Za Muzeum romské kultury/ For the Museum of Roma Culture

1933 Created: 2013-04-06 Statistics

Support for the National Art Museum of Ukraine

74 Created: 2012-10-18 Statistics

Unban Shaman

42 Created: 2011-04-03 Statistics

Г.Суркиса - в отставку

30051 Created: 2010-12-01 Statistics

Abolish the Death Penalty for Wade Wilson 💙

216 Created: 2024-11-20 Statistics

Dear Mr. President of the wonderful and heroic Ukrainian Nation! 

530 Created: 2022-03-23 Statistics

Оставка на Георги Христозов, който подписва смъртната присъда на БРФК / Immediate resignation of Hristozov, who destroyed the Bulgarian Cynology Federation!

386 Created: 2021-12-04 Statistics


681 Created: 2021-11-25 Statistics