Show community support for Camp Lutherlyn’s request to the County of Renfrew, Ontario, for property tax exemption for the land used solely for recreational use.

We, the undersigned residents of Renfrew County, would like the County of Renfrew to know that we support the application of Camp Lutherlyn for their request for a property tax exemption under the section of the Ontario Assessment Act that provides for exemption for land owned by religious organizations and used solely for recreational purposes.

The exemption request is for all the property at 201 Lutherlyn Drive (Hoffman Beach) which has no buildings or other uses and a partial property tax exemption (16% of the assessed value) for the property at 909 Zadow Road that contains the various camp buildings.

In total, the exemption request to the County is $1,150/ year (2020 assessment). The Township of Bonnechere Valley has already granted an exemption for their portion of taxes on the recreational property.

We believe Camp Lutherlyn's work benefits county residents and businesses, and that granting this exemption supports the camp keeping camp fees and rental rates affordable. 


Recreational Uses on Camp Land:


Alison Burkett, Treasurer, Camp Lutherlyn    Contact the author of the petition