

I'm am totally opposed to more residential towers being built in the Wynford area north of Eglinton Ave. This is a health era when less density of population over rides crowded neighbourhoods

Ethel Jean Moulton (North York, 2021-09-04)


Density to high
No schools daycare
10 years construction in a very small area which will impact Wynford Height crescent, Wynford Drive, Don Mills which has it’s own construction Corner Eglinton/Don Mills etc etc.

Annie Peschmann (Toronto , 2021-09-04)


this project is totally unacceptable.

Ines GABRIEL (toronto, 2021-09-04)


I strongly object to the proposed developments by Fengate Asset Management for the Wynford Drive/Concorde Place/Gate area.

james currie (toronto, 2021-09-04)


The area is too congested already with the proposed high density on Donmills and eglinton projects know as crosstown projects. Please reconsider the height.

Shamin Jiwani (Toronto, 2021-09-05)


This excessive overbuilding is totally unnecessary, unhealthy and dangerous to the current residential infrastructure and the environment .
Instead of more greenery , we will see more concrete all around.
Services, eating places , shopping and other facilities in the area are already highly stressed and adding more residential density will be an overkill.
Traffic levels will reach an unprecedentedly high level and God Forbid we have any emergencies and the area needs to be evacuated.

firoz shariff (North York, 2021-09-05)


The area will not be able to handle the traffic, our mayor is anti car.

darcy gerace (north york, 2021-09-06)


I am resident of building 3 and and some buildings destroyed my view and crowds are problems for us are living around here.

Mohammad Reza Abbasi Borojeni (Toronto , 2021-09-07)


I’m signing this petition because I recently moved into 7 Concorde Place and I work at 12 Concorde. I’ve worked at 12 Concorde for over a decade and I know firsthand that the current road infrastructure getting on and off the DVP will not support the additional units proposed. I have also seen your drawings depicting a full parking lot at the Bell building on the east side of the DVP on Wynford Dr. If you want to talk about space being wasted, that lot is an ideal example. For over a decade I have seen less than 50 cars occupy that lot and yet, you choose to leave that lot as is. Very poor decision making and planning, not to mention the conveying of false information in your renderings. Should you decide to move forward, this development has the possibility of turning into another St Jamestown. The units will not be affordable and over crowding of people and vehicles is a certain outcome.

Bryan Minhinnett (Toronto, 2021-09-08)


I fully support this petition.

James Reid (North York, 2021-09-09)


This development is totally inappropriate for our established apartment neighbourhood.

Vaino Einola (Toronto, 2021-09-09)


Concorde Place is a beautiful place and works well in its current form. This proposed development is grotesque in its height and footprint. I am especially concerned with the destruction of mature trees which make Concorde a beautiful and pleasant place to live. The character of the neighbourhood would be destroyed if this development goes ahead as planned.

Catherine Roberts (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


The massive increase in population density will destroy my community and lifestyle and the very reason I moved here. I fear for my and my neighbours' safety if an evacuation is required due to natural or man made disasters.

Jane Parry (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


As a homeowner in the Wynford/Concorde community, I feel this proposed development is ridiculously oversized and will have nothing but significant negative impacts.

Susan Dawson (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I live in the community and believe an over- development like this is a major blight on the entire community which already does not have enough schools for current development underway.

Peta Lomberg (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


This area CAN NOT handle the density of people & cars nor will the TTC be able to handle all the additional riders. We are running out of green space and destruction of the trees in this area will NOT be good for the environment.

Monique Gauthier (North York, 2021-09-10)


I'm signing because I am very concerned about the safety of residents.

There are a lot of seniors in the neighbourhood and with this new volume of traffic (pedestrian as well as vehicular) it will be unsafe to walk for those who are not steady on their feet. Children who have nowhere else to play are going to be running into the street, and accidents will happen.

I am also concerned for children. At the current time, there is very little space for children to play, and with this volume of traffic, there is no doubt i my mind that many (old and young) are going to get hurt.

There is no alternate traffic route. With this increased volume of traffic, and likely increased TTC buses as well, how will an ambulance get through when someone does get hurt?

Mary Bartlett (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I am executor responsible for an estate that includes a condo in 18 Concorde Pl and am bothered by the large number of additional residents this will bring in.

Howard Trickey (Westfield, 2021-09-10)


This is my aunts home, what they are proposing is disgusting and ill conceived, and greedy developers need to stop

Stella Chappell (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


Our area and local infrastructure can't support a development of this magnitude! There were traffic and power issues prior to the pandemic and they want to double the current street occupancy in one block! It will also totally block sunlight to the smaller 16 and 18 Concorde Pl buildings. This has to be stopped!!!

Leslie Palmer (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


The development as proposed will have a significant negative impact on the area which does not have the necessary infrastructure or public spaces to support it.

Janet Carnegie (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


Because this is such an ABSURD idea to build so many buildings with thousands of people in a small area... CRAZY

Elizabeth Reimers (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I have concerns about excessive traffic in a finite area and the density proposed far exceeds standards.

Vera Pordage (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I'm signing because adding even half of these towers will not only tax the roads for too much traffic as they already get long lineups during rush hour with only 1 exit onto the Don Valley going south or north, and it would be extremely dangerous for foot traffic, school buses and children, and would destroy the ability for walking within the community adding up to 22,000 more residents within 2 addresses only. Ridiculous for council - politicians - to even be thinking of this.
Wendy Conn
LC7 - 18 Concorde Place
Toronto, On M3C 3T9

wendy conn (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


Each one of the points listed are completely valid. I have grave concerns over the expected high increase in vehicular traffic. I have seen a number of "close calls" involving seniors in this area (who make up a high percentage of residents in this area) as well as a problem with drivers speeding through the area to get to the DVP. An additional 3,100 cars will only exacerbate this problem. This combined with the sharp increase in population density which cannot possibly be supported by current infrastructure will result in higher rates of safety issues and a lower quality of life.

Ann MacKenzie (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


Nine condos being proposed in such a small area is outrageous and extremely detrimental in an already dense area.

Jenifer Seki (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I am signing because our neighborhood can not handle influx of so many more people! We already have issues with hydro, plumbing, overcrowding, heavier traffic, no parks etc. etc. Please reduce your demand

Neda Krinke (Toronto, 2021-09-10)


I am signing this because we don't want to see more high rises in this area which would cause more traffic than we can handle; over populate area with no schools nearby...

Nancy-Jean Nickel (Toronto, 2021-09-12)


The safety of the residents will be compromised. Such high density and high traffic in the area with just two access points is unreasonable and unsafe!

Elena Georgiev (Toronto, 2021-09-12)


Will block my view of the city, which is the reason I bought & own my condo (because of the view). COVID has been used an excuse to get around having to hold proper community meetings around the proposed building of these high rises. The parking, roads to exit & enter the existing buildings will be greatly hampered.

Tristan Trougakos (North York, 2021-09-13)


I'm a resident at 18 Concorde Place & know that the entire community will be badly affected by the construction, over-population & high volume of traffic resulting from these plans. I do not want any of this to happen!

Sharon Leavy (Toronto, 2021-09-13)


Fengate's proposal at 1-3 and 10-12 concorde is not supported by the community, lacks any urban forest protection and works against any climate mitigation goal of Toronto unless the following are addressed:

1. a shortage of office space since at least 2015 in GTA should be reason enough to reject any plan intending to rezones away all office space as the current developer is proposing.


2. Most if not all residents agree ESRI and home depot are very nice buildings worthy of heritage protection. a respectful proposal would be to convert one or more to residential without demolition.

3. Demolition would create almost 50 tonnes of unncessary waste to fill city landfills sooner so that your land taxes can rise sooner.

4. Any pollution from construction trucks would not only come from bringing in materials but hauling away tonnes of perfectly good buildings in case of demolition. Such would be the opposite of fiscal responsibility. Developer is almost guaranteed to add any forced-density related cost to increase the cost of any dwelling built for any new and hapless would be residents who will also probably be blamed in turn for living in a building that was not built more efficiently by the developer on purpose.

5. after a certain size, Bousfeids here starts hoping that taxpayers will subsidize the developer by having our taxes pay to expand the sewage and drainage just to allow it to force upon the city an immensely out of place building on top of a mature stand of urban forest. such would be hypocrisy and runs contrary to our city goal to increase canopy coverage from 28 per cent to 40 per cent

6. under PLN planning rationale document contrary to public realm policy 3.1.1(16) the preservation, long-term growth and increase in the number of healthy trees is a priority unlike bousfeild's plain contempt of urban forestry as it seeks permission to remove and build on top of the existing mature landscaped urban forest. It has the nerve to claim that nothing is wrong with killing it even though it brings many bad side effects, despite any denials... that it would not take away greenspace, that make high winds worse, increase flood runoff onto road and even into neighbouring property garages.

under PLN planning rationale 3.1.2(1) Bousfelds fails to follow its own list by not even trying to fit into existing setback norms and contexts to support existing parks and open spaces. it aims to destroy the mature space of mature trees and fails to prevent high winds but plans to increase it instead. it frames its proposal by equally destroying the public realm with excessive height and disregard for mature urban forest on both sites as it tries to twist the definition of normal into just blatant abomidation of any intention to follow any public realm.

cardinals, chickadees, blujays, rabbits, and other wildlife otherwise rare to find near cities use the urban forest condemmed to death by developer plans of "building 1" over at 10 concorde.

PLN rationale 3.1.2.(5) and 3.1.2(6)state how buildings adjacent to greenspace should be scaled to provide access to direct sunlight yet it proposes excessive height that shadows not only its own greespace but even any urban woodland of neighbours east and north of itself and even across a sensitive ravine as far as Victoria Village and to Wigwam Park that is almost 5 kilometres away!

Proposed removal of the current stand of tall conifers on the middle of the existing driveway to 12 concorde would render entire area proposed playground are unsafe from high winds as study shows on wind pedestrian report page 24-25. and the highway entrance on both sides of concorde gate will be bad enough to damage vehicles entering and exiting the highway ramp. high towers too close to roadways also enable vandalism that can injure drivers when items fall from buildings above, including and not limited to falling ice, windows, chairs, and other objects.

The urban forest provides the equivalent of more than $28.2 million dollars in ecological services each year.

[according to ESRI, at]

Toronto's urban forest is estimated to reduce energy use from heating and cooling of residential buildings by $10.2 million annually."

according to

Any city guideline that considers parking lots to be surplus is not at all followed by building on top of an existing urban forest. No sane person or company or plan would mistake an urban forest canopy foa parking lot.

Developer's Hydrogeological report still pretends that the landscaped hill that the urban forest currently works upon (east of the parking lot) is not an "important" aquifier even though it prevents flooding of the road when allowed to water itself with little to no maintenance.

the existing urban forest at 10 concorde protects pedestrians from high velocity westerly winds that are amplified by the DVP highway and the parking lot just west of the DVP highway

The area north, east, and south of 10 concorde is sensitive ravine lands and cannot tolerate large or permanent lowering of the groundwater that feeds all the mature trees on both sides of the street.

as for greenspace, how can any resident be impressed by the double counting of the existing playground at McDonald's place to count toward its own greenspace contriution to the area, and how can such be better than existing mature greenspace that is urban woodland? Before concorde 18 was allowed to be built by the then owners of 10 and 12 concorde the existing stand of mature urban forest was allowed to be counted as protected greenspace in exchange for being allowed to be closer to the railway to the north. Bousfields does not even bother to preserve this now majestic urban forest at all as it seeks to build too close to the sidewalk as the proposal seeks to remove all setback rules for buildings. Why is any proposal for any structure regardless of height or form be so close to the sidewalk or to a mature urban forest?

excessive shadows not only their own trees but also the trees across the street, killing the mature forest that belongs to neighbouring properties and inviting near certain lawsuit(s) from loss of property values from neighbouring properties by eventual tree loss from artificial dehydration and shading by the developer's proposals.

K Leung (Don Mills, 2021-09-13)


I live in the area and already the traffic has increased so much…

Mubina Esmail (North york, 2021-09-13)


I am a long time resident of this area and I am concerned about unfettered and deregulated construction in the area. I believe that modification and adjustment to community norms can be achieved by community negotiation and construction compromise.

Anne Cheesman (Toronto, 2021-09-13)


This proposal would make this area one of the most densely populated areas in the city, with no public amenities to serve it. No parks, no schools, no recreation areas. And there is no land available to put in those amenities.

Bill Newman (North York, 2021-09-13)


This is a money generating plan that neglects the needs of the community. The quality of life will be severely impacted with no schools accessible, no play areas ( recreation) for residents, limited infrastructure to support the needs of those that presently reside here ( never mind the additional 10,000 residents who will reside in the proposed towers). The disruption to traffic, the limited space for parking, the proposed increase in population density will all negatively affect the quality of life of residents. The plan is a money grab …….an example of the corruption that occurs when money is involved!

Barbara Grespan (North York, 2021-09-14)


We need more commons (parks, quiet places, community centres and spaces, patios and coffee shops etc) not dense and commercial buildings. Enough with the profit motive!

Raresh Bunea (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


This will have a big effect on the value of my property and the quality of life in the neighborhood.

Irma Beatriz Rumbos (North York, 2021-09-14)


I am a longtime resident of The Palisades condos at 195/205/215 Wynford Drive on the south side of Eglinton Avenue East. I am very concerned about the density and height of the towers for both developments proposed for this area. I feel we are valued members of this area and should be considered as part of the community. I have written to our Councillor and MP several times about my concerns, and I am hopeful that they will have some input into these plans. I strongly believe that these development complexes are inappropriate in their present forms. I realize that these developments will go forward to some extent because of the draw of the LRT but I am hopeful that the developers will be more considerate in their approach to the longstanding community. It is clear that their bottom line is return on investment and not on the betterment of the community. We deserve more than wall-to-wall skyscraper towers that are as unappealing as the downtown Toronto core has become and not a friendly place to live.
I strongly support this petition.

Margaret Allen (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


I don't want 9 new high rise, high-occupancy buildings to be built right across the street from us.

Niall Anglin (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


There is no room nor services in this neighborhood to accommodate hundreds of more people that the developer is trying to bring in here.

Paula Vanhala (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


I do not wish to have further developement in our area.

Villy Baria (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


I am signing because I'm vehemently opposed to the population density of this project. It will become another 'St. James town, (at Wellesley and Sherborne) which has become an awful ghetto.
There is no plan to increase community facilities, schools and retail for the increased population.
The access to the DVP which is already very congested at present will become horrendous.

Merel Elinkschuurman (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


It sounds like a traffic nightmare and a good reason to sell and move out!

Shawn Barbe LeBlanc (Toronto, 2021-09-14)


Carole Smith

Carole Smith (Toronto, 2021-09-15)


Increasing the density to this degree in the Wynford-Concourse Community appears to have little consideration for our infrastructure resources, especially now that many people have transitioned to work from home during the pandemic, and may continue to do so.

This proposed density appears to have even less consideration for our emergency services (police, fire, paramedics, hospitals) to serve this and surrounding areas.

The proposed density will result in considerable environmental destruction of a very mature tree-lined area.

Plus, combined with the increased density that will result from the 21+ other developments within the Banbury-Don Mills area, the issues identified for the Wynford-Concourse Community will be further compounded.

A revisit of the plan needs to be undertaken.

M Boissiere (Toronto, 2021-09-15)


I'm signing because I concur with the issues outlined in the petition.

Anne Sone (Toronto, 2021-09-15)


I live here because it’s a quiet place. Now the builders want to build so many buildings, this will certainly ruin the whole community. They just want to make money, but don’t wanna think of the people who live and will live here.

Shuo Li (Toronto , 2021-09-15)


already two many condos

shuo an (new york, 2021-09-15)


I am an owner/resident of The Palisades, located at 195/205/215 Wynford Drive, for the past 23 years. I am not against progress and development, but the highly negative impact this proposal will have on the Wynford/Concorde Community is mind boggling and dangerous in many ways, as stated in the opening comments for this petition. I hope the City of Toronto Planning Department rejects this proposal and forces Fengate to revise their plans. The City should impose a cap on the number and height of these buildings. What is presently proposed by Fengate is totally unacceptable.

Aline Aumais (Toronto, 2021-09-15)


It is inconceivable to think that this is even an option. The city can NOT allow this to happen. Lets look at the facts, Concode Place is a cul de sac. (approx 1780 units). with the proposed development (+ additional 4086 units) totaling nearly 5860 units on the street. There is only ONE option for residents to exit (without highway) - southbound on Concorde Place. That one option is also just only ONE lane. Now, lets put this into perspective. The Don Mills / Eglinton Crosstown development (approx. 4900 units) the options available are abundant, 2 lanes west on Eglinton, 2 lanes East on Eglinton, 2 lanes northbound on DonMills, 2 lanes southbound on DonMills. that is a 1:8 ratio compared to 5860:4900 households. this is clearly not acceptable!

chris kent (toronto, 2021-09-16)


I live on 16 Concorde Place and I can’t imagine the tragic and t all the people in such a small community .

Star Johnson (North york, 2021-09-16)


I live on Wynford Heights Cres and cannot imagine how bad traffic will become if so many towers come into our neighborhood.

Anything above 40 stories will dwarf the existing buildings. There is simply not enough infrastructure to accommodate the additional population this would introduce even with the Eglinton LRT operating.

Matthew Mason (North York, 2021-09-16)


I strongly against any new development in Wynford Drive and Concorde Place due to all the reasons listed. Especially the excessive Traffic.

Donna Liu (Toronto, 2021-09-16)


I am signing this petition because I am strongly opposed to this project. The impact on our quiet neighbourhood will be horrific. The proposed 10 year project will turn our quiet residential area into a noisy construction zone. It will be next to impossible to go for a quiet walk and driving will be a nightmare.

RON MILES (NORTH YORK, 2021-09-16)


This plan is a travesty to our community and the environment. It sets a dangerous precedence.

Rhonda Cohen (Toronto , 2021-09-16)


I am strongly opposing the development in Wynford/Concorde Community

Alkarim Mitha (North York, 2021-09-16)


We have resided here at 18 Concorde Place for nearly 15 years, it is a wonderful community. What is being proposed for new development here is crazy for all kinds of reasons: excessive height of proposed new buildings, hugely increased density, traffic nightmares, safety issues, the lists goes on! Totally inappropriate in its present form for this neighbourhood, we are not downtown Toronto!

Carol & Helmut Trupke (Toronto, 2021-09-16)


The proposed developments for Concorde Place, Concorde Gate and 175 Wynford Drive are overwhelmingly inappropriate for this relatively small semi-suburban area with a single, fairly narrow, two-way exit road.
There has been no secondary plan prepared, submitted or presented.
The development proposes a density for this area which is higher than anywhere else in the city, even sites where there are major roads and major transit stops and existing public facilities.
There is a two track commercial rail line as well as a GO Train track close by. If there is an emergency, there will be inadequate evacuation routes for 22,000+ people, the majority on foot, the rest in a long gridlocked line of cars.
The proposed streetscapes are more appropriate to a dense downtown area, not a quiet neighborhood inhabited by seniors and families. Instead of a treed boulevard, there will be 6 story concrete and glass podium set quite close to the sidewalk. The sidewalks themselves will be inadequate to accommodate the expected large number of pedestrians.
The height of the building set atop the podiums and the inadequate space between them will cause a ferocious wind tunnel effect. This will make it very difficult for people to walk on the sidewalks, even to the secondary LRT stop on Eglinton Ave at Wynford.
While the population is expected to almost triple, there is not adequate or, in many spheres, any public facilities planned, or space provided for the later building of these facilities, such as schools, adequate day care centre spaces, playing fields, medical clinics, senior services, restaurants, grocery stores, libraries, arenas, etc.
There are an inadequate number of parking spaces, forcing most new residents to walk or take an inadequate number of TTC buses.
Since the construction is proposed to take place in stages over ten years, at the same time as the TTC buses and existing car traffic are trying to use a narrow residential road, there will be dump trucks, construction vehicles, and the parked vehicles of construction workers to navigate. The ten years of dust, debris, noise and vibration is bound to have a deleterious effect on the health of these pedestrians, as well as the large number of elderly residents in this neighborhood, and the children whose families have been moving here over the last few years.
Only recently has a small playground, set in a grassy, treed space been built for, and made available to, the small children of this neighborhood. This development means that once again, the children will be deprived of a place to play at street level.
Any new playground will be set in a sterile glass and concrete jungle. The planned playgrounds will be inadequate to the existing numbers of children and the additional numbers of children expected to live in the neighborhood.
The huge influx of people who are being enticed by access to the East Don Trail, Charles Sauriol Conservation Area, Anewen Green Belt and Moccasin Trail Park, is bound to have a negative impact on the ecology of these ravine areas.
For all these reasons and more, I urge our municipal and provincial leaders to look at the plans for the development and arrange for them to be scaled back to a level more appropriate to this area.

Sakina Ismail (Toronto, 2021-09-17)


I am against this development for the listed reasons in this petition. This will negatively change the quality of the lives of all the residents in our community and our safety as well. We have invested in the area and our properties for our comfort and safety of our families and this proposed development will cause congestion, and stress and undermine our investment. We should have a say on what’s reasonable, and this is not. This high density proposal makes no sense for the area nor the families and people currently living here.

Nousheen Shallwani (North York , 2021-09-18)


I'm signing because this will overpopulate this community. 11 school buses for 4 apartments already cause traffic stoppage on Wynford Heights cresc now. I can't see 25 - 50 buses on Concorde every day. Renovation and repairs to the few apartments on Wynford Heights Cresc cause all kinds of traffic jams and blockage. Cars park on the street and large trucks will park on the cresc and make it dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. Just imagine the machines and trucks on tiny little concord. It's a joke.

margaret hunter (toronto, 2021-09-18)


Because this needs to be stopped!! It’s too many people to add to this area!!

Sierra Constantinides (Toronto, 2021-09-19)


As a resident here for 30 years I am extremely worried about the proposal especially the density in relation to facilities and traffic. I am also especially concerned about safety if there should be a major need to evacuate the neighbourhood due to a derailment, etc. All school children would have to be bussed which would create major traffic delays throughout the community.

Carole Clune (North York, 2021-09-20)


Greetings Lorna and Wynford residents association, I am signing because I have fought against excessive condo development in the Yonge/Eglinton area for 20 years. I have spent 300 hours a year, attended up to 40 public meetings a year, 15 major OMB hearings, typed over 1,200 pages of meeting minutes. Challenged this kind of development. Same issues -- excessive height and density, lack of infrastructure, traffic congestion, lack of schools, lack of open space and public parks, and so on. I will everything possible to stop this application. Premier Doug Ford brought in Official Plan Amendment 405 and that opened up the floodgates for developers, who re-applied virtually every time, for even greater height and density. Nine high rise towers is way too many in this area which was purposely planned, postwar, as a complete Don Mills community. Richard MacFarlane, Special Advisor, Oriole Park Association

Richard MacFarlane (Toronto, 2021-09-23)


I love my neighborhood and want it preserved.

Stephen Real (North York, Ontario CANADA, 2021-10-01)


I live at 5 Concorde Place and this proposal is atrocious in density

Danielle Michel (North York, 2021-10-06)


I am totally opposed to the proposed development due the height and density proposed. the addition of these proposed buildings will over burden an area already challenged by lack of community facilities, e.g schools, day care, open space. concern is also held from increased traffic and safety considerations for the seniors and children in the area.

Phillip and Francis (Toronto, 2021-10-07)


It is already a nightmare 1. To get on the dvp at Concorde Dr & Concorde Gate & Wynford without this development. With it, it will be a total standstill. I cannot even think of a way to possibly solve the traffic problem.
2. At times I had to wait to get out of my driveway at 18 Concorde (prepandemic). With the added traffic we may not ever get out of our driveways.
3. Not enough infrastructure to deal with all the extra bodies in the neighbourhood. There are already tons more being added at Don Mills & Eglinton.
4. Prices are already dropping in our building as people realize how awful traffic will be.
5. This area gets lots of power outages now. If they put new power lines in fir everyone in the area that may solve some of this but that is not in the plans.
6. With the number of units being added how are you accounting for schools, healthcare, community centres, etc.

Jane Clifford (North York, 2021-10-09)


I am not in favor of this new Development because of Density , Height & excessive traffic.

Salim Virani (Toronto, 2021-10-11)


I am concerned about developments of many high rise buildings in M3C3K6 area code. There will be traffic congestion, high density population, overcrowded recreation areas and parks, gas emissions due to high traffic will affect our health.

Shahenaz Ebrahim (North York, 2021-10-15)


I agree with all the points raised in the petition which will be very detrimental to the density, environment and traffic in the area.

Imtiaz Shallwani (TORONTO, 2021-10-21)


Of the environmental impact of so many buildings and people in such a small area

Diana Adams (Toronto , 2021-10-21)


This area is already overcrowded.
When it becomes too dense, the crime spreads.

Dan Janjic (Toronto, 2021-10-21)


The construction of these high density buildings will cause a lot of crowding, traffic, noise, pollution on the Wynford drive. We have already raised this point previously and our concerns have been disregarded. The project is a callous disregard of our privacy, sentiments and the value of our property.

Shiraz Bhojani (North York, 2021-10-21)

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