The Argument against Nuclear Power as Sustainable for Finance



I am signing because declaring nuclear power as "sustainable" by EU Taxonomy would be a momentous act of officially permitted and promoted greenwashing

Roland Meingast (Tattendorf, 2022-01-06)


Atommüll kann auf dieser Erde nicht nachhaltig und gefahren frei gelagert werden! Atomkraft ist die teuerste + gefährlichste Art Strom zu produzieren (Fukushima!!!!)! Gas setzt bei der Verbrennung unnötig in der Erde gelagerte CO2 frei und tötet unseren Planeten (Klimawandel)! Es reicht - 100% erneuerbare Energien + Speicher, eine andere nachhaltige Lösung sehe ich momentan nicht!

Josef Zehetgruber (Neuhofen an der Ybbs, 2022-01-06)


I’m signing because I fully agree with the rationale of this petition and its conclusion that nuclear fission must under no circumstances be included in the EU Taxonomy!

Frank Lenzmanb (Alkmaar, 2022-01-06)


Nuclear energie is real not harmless and reactor waste is still not solved!

Ing. Anton Bichler (3204 Kirchberg/Piel., 2022-01-06)


I`m signing because greenwashing of nuclear power is not the right way! The mining of uranium is still a disaster in itself and the final storage of the fuel rods is even still an unsolved problem! This generation has to take responsilbility endlessly! What do we leave our children!?!

Sieglinde Binder-Knoll (Vienna, 2022-01-06)


Nuclear is not sustainable. It is a fossil based (uranium) non-renewable energy source. The nuclear industry has a history of being dangerously secretive and corrupt. That the EC would do this is an indication of institutional capture by corporate power. The Green Deal will henceforth have no meaning at all.

Carol Olson (1825EH Alkmaar, 2022-01-06)


Nuclear Power has nothing to do with sustainabilty!

Florian Brunner (Linz, 2022-01-06)


nobody knows how to dispose nuclear power plants' waste!

Erich Haupt (Wels, 2022-01-06)


I have deep concerns against the implementation of nuclear power plants, their expected safety risks and primarily the always and ever unsafe radioactive waist - an unresponsible charge on future generations!

Stephan Tschiesche (Gamlitz, 2022-01-06)


Ich unterfertige diese Petition aus tiefer Überzeugung, weil die Gefahren die von Atomkraftwerken ausgehen, die nach wie vor ungelösten Probleme mit der Entsorgung ausgebrannter Brennstäbe und die Kosten von Atomkraftwerken (bei transparenter Kalkulation) in keinem Verhältnis zum argumentierten Nutzen stehen.

Wilhelm Himmel (Graz, 2022-01-06)


Nuclear Power is not clean at all. The reactors produce radioactive waste, which cannot be stored safely anywhere on earth. Even deep caves could be reopened by earthquakes or volcanic activity. and how deadly radioactive contamination is, we know all too well.

Arno Köpf (Kapfenberg, 2022-01-07)


man nicht immer nur den Blickwinkel auf eine Sache fokussieren kann: CO2 ist das eine, aber die nicht kalkulierbaren Folgeschäden im Falle eines Unfalls sind ebenso schwerwiegend. Es muss alles getan werden, um eine stabile Energieversorgung auch ohne Nuklearstrom zu erhalten.

Ulrike Volk (Wien, 2022-01-07)


I'm signing because, nuclear energy is a burden for the whole world. We have to guard radioactive waste for generations. This responsibility, which we place on our children children's and grandchildren's children, inevitably leads to a totalitarian, technologically supported control society and restricts human freedom.

Roman Klug (Graz, 2022-01-07)


Nuclear power is dangerous and the waste not to store anywhere on our planet without high risks.
Better force alternative energies like solar power and wind and the research for it.

Markus Punz (St. Pölten, 2022-01-07)


Ich unterschreibe, weil es schon Fünf-nach-zwölf ist! Die Kernenergie hat bereits genug katastrophale Schäden angerichtet! Klares AUS für Kernenergie.

Klaus Schnalzer (Markt Hartmannsdorf, 2022-01-07)


No lesson learned by Tschernobyl or Fukushima? We should believe in science. Science declares nuclear power as green energy, or does the lobbyists? Even there exists "secure" nuclear power plants - will the nuclear waste sent to the mars? Or people with money leave earth in the direction of Mars when there is no longer any option to live on earth. Nuclear power is not green - its only money for a few people at the expense of the health of the people who have to earn this money. We are flying to the Mars but finding new sources of energy is not possible due to the highly praised science or is the will lacking? Who takes responsibility for nuclear accidents, where should the water for cooling come from when water is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity?
We need future technology and not lobbyism. The expansion of nuclear power plants would be a scientific indictment in every respect and offers no perspective for a future worth living in!

Saundra Stix (Gleisdorf, 2022-01-07)


Investments in old and dangerous technologies prohibit or at least delay investments in renewable energy and storage technologies

Ewald Selvicka (Gleisdorf, 2022-01-07)


we are responsible for the future of our children and grandchildren - how can we decide to leave them the nuclear waste and hazards of energy production - we already have too many nuclear reactors in Europe!!!! The best way to manage our power consumption is to start reducing so many electrical amenities and saving energy....

eva stathopoulos (Graz, 2022-01-07)


without closing loops (recycling) there is no sustainability

Friedrich HERZOG (Wolkersdorf, 2022-01-07)


Atomic Power is an unpredictable danger for everyone of us!

Claus Haslauer (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


I'm signing because the problem of the safe final deposition of radioactive wastes is still unresolved. Additionally, the promised removal of nuclear weapons didn't occur.

Georg Lechner (Ternitz, 2022-01-07)


Atom energy is very opposite to both sustainable and renewable. It gets energy through an irreversibly explosive reaction from extremely reduced mineral resources and gives at least same amount of extremely much more toxic wastes than before processing at every and all processes.

Seiko Matsuda (Boliden, 2022-01-07)


I'm signing as I believe nuclear power will cause only critical problems to the world environment and will never be a solution to energy, nor environment.

Yurika Ayukawa (Nagano Prefecture, 2022-01-07)


Are you Crazy?
Totaly Crazy?
to replace one evil with another?

Christian Hiel (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


es nicht sein kann das auf einmal Atomstrom zur grünen Energie gehört. Wir haben das Endproblem des Atomsüll noch nicht geklärt.

Gerhard Rohrer (Sankt Veit in der Südsteiermark, 2022-01-07)


It ist essential to fight against nuclear power. There are no positive aspects in it and it is a twin of the atomic bomb.

Gerhard Kofler (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


The Taxonomy architecture is not designed to cater for such risks that carry an intergenerational impact lasting for thousands of years, making it an unsuitable instrument to decide on the sustainable nature of nuclear power.

Regina Kummetz (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


I'm signing because we have 2022, and the discussion about nuclear power being sustainable is totally passé, a dead duck! Nuclear power has never been, is not, and will never be sustainable.

Isabell Riedl (2380, 2022-01-07)


This is so clearly the wrong direction and the wrong signal!

Wolfgang Kschwendt (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


Nuklar industrie ist teuer, unsicher und benötigt einen überwachungsstaat. Die antworten zu energiefragen des 21.Jahrhunderts darf nicht in gescheiterte risikotechnologie des 20.jht gesucht werden, sondern in dezentrale vielfalt erneuerbarer formen. Stromsparen ist auch ein teil der lösung.

Ulrike Weish (Wien, 2022-01-07)


Wo wird hierbei zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels beigetragen? Unmengen Verschwendung von Ressourcen, Gefährdung von Menschen und Lebewesen, Gesundheit und Umwelt, und Atommüll für die Ewigkeit. Die CO2-Bilanz der gesamten Uranbrennstoff-Kette von Uranförderung und -Anreicherung, Brennelemente-Fertigung, Bau, Betrieb und Abriss von Reaktoren bis hin zur ungelösten Atommüll- Lagerung ist katastrophal, Atomkraftwerke verursachen enorme CO2- Emissionen. Ich dachte das Ziel in der akuten Klimakrise ist es, die globale Energieversorgung zu dekarbonisieren! Atomkraftwerke sind extrem teurer zu bauen, zu betreiben und zu entsorgen. Also weder klimafreundlich noch wirtschaftlich noch ungefährlich! Wie kann man nur behaupten, dass Atomkraft ökologisch ist? Das ist eine unhaltbare Behauptung. Wo bleiben hier die grundlegenden Anforderungen von Umweltakzeptanz, Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie die Wahrung der Menschenrechte ("...hat jeder Mensch das Recht auf einen Lebens­standard, der Gesund­heit und Wohl­ergehen gewähr­leistet.")?

Kriszti Na (Wien, 2022-01-07)


Good climate politic is so important to us!!

Milena Sander (Graz, 2022-01-07)

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