Deny Modification of Conditions regarding Bonney Bright Sand Company
There are way too many dump trucks on the road and they leave the road a mess if you have a nice clean car and drive by the pit entrance one time and you’re car is really dirty 😳David Swoope (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
This is the one thing that makes living here extremely frustrating and dangerous. There is no consideration of the people who live in the area that have to drive the main road to get anywhere. Washing your vehicle is all but a waste of time. Theirs very limited places to pass and the trucks refuse to slow down to allow passing this creates extreme danger for everyone on the road.Kenneth Scaggs (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
The petition is spot on. Every vehicle coming on & off Knotts Island is constantly dirty & requiring extra maintenance from the dirt/debris that is on Princess Anne Rd that comes from the dump trucks entering & leaving the sand pit. The amount of dump trucks on Princess Anne Rd coming & going to Bonney Bright Sand Company has also become increasingly dangerous as there are already too many of them. The drivers of some of the trucks do not follow speed limits & are constantly in both lanes making Princess Anne Rd & Pungo Ferry Rd dangerous to drive on.Jenny Baart (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
Too many other company dump trucks on the roads. Not enough upkeep of the debris left on the roadway, which could be managed better with less trucks. There's one road in and out of knotts residents have to use this road. It's constantly clogged with other company trucks that are not well maintained, drive haphazardly and recklessly. Bonnie bright seems to maintain their trucks well and seems their drivers have respect for other drivers on the road and the are where as other company trucks do not. A nother entrance/exit to the pit might be helpful as well but still need a strict limit on trucks going in and out.Jennifer Umbrell (Knotts island, 2025-01-06)
Road conditions have deteriorated and the increase in trucks have steadily increased since they closed the Virginia Beach entrance to Bonney Bright Sand Pit. Now that the sand pit has connected the Virginia side to the North Carolina side and enlarged their footprint it is becoming even more hazardous to drive the only route available to anywhere we (Knotts Island Residents ) need to travel to.Becky Parker (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
I live in Knotts Island and commute to Va. Beach everyday. There are wayyyy too many dump trucks going in and out of that sand pit on a daily basis. There is about a quarter mile to half mile section of road in front of the sandpit that stays dirty and muddy and messes our cars up daily and we are left to deal with it. They consistently drive well under the speed limit holding up traffic which in turn forces the passing issues that we have. Adding more trucks to the roster is not the answer. There need to be less of them certainly not more.James Baart (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
I am over the craziness all these trucks cause. I have put up with this for over 30 years and it just gets worseSherry Brock (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
We do not need more large trucks traveling down Princess Anne Road (Route 615). The excessive number of hauls out of there create dangerous driving conditions for everyone. The contract drivers that drive 35 mph in a 55 zone and tend to drive in the middle of the road are creating havoc, especially in the curves. The ones that are not driving 35 often appear to be exceeding 55. The big trucks seem to think that they are entitled to more of the road than the rest of us and drive over the center line, especially in turns. On top of that, the route is a Virginia designated "scenic byway" with a a lot of bicyclists using the road as well. When you are coming around a curve and come upon a cyclists cars and trucks alike have to make fast moves to avoid hitting the cyclists. It is just an unsafe road to begin with and to add more trucks and more hauls makes it that much more dangerous. And, lets not forget about all the dirt/sand that is being pulled on to PA road at the entrance to the sand pit. You cannot wash you vehicle and expect it to be clean when you get home or to where you are going. It did not use to be that way, but over the past 6 months it has become unbearable. And when that dirt/sand is wet and you are going 55 and one of those trucks pulls out in front of you like you aren't even there, well, there is a huge accident waiting to happen. It's only a matter of time before someone is killed.Tina Breeden (Knotts Island, 2025-01-06)
The City continues to ignore the welfare of the residents, in lieu of profits.Bill Breeden (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
They ruin the road, cause unsafe conditions and nearly kill people everyday.Brian Saieva (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
I agree whole heartedly. The amount of dump truck track has gotten obscene and the same age to roads and debris damage to our vehicles is unacceptable.David Thomson (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
Tool many trucks as it is now. Many trucks exceed the speed limit and cross the yellow lines. The road leaving the sand pit is horribly maintained and in dry weather no water trucks are used to hold down the dust. The paint job on my 7 year old truck is ruined I believe due to the air born dirt, dust, and who knows what else.Steven Girardin (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
These trucks pass directly in front of my house. They are loud and disrupt the peace and enjoyment of my home. I have also had 2 windshield chips in the past year on my vehicle and my husband has had 1. This causes dangerous driving conditions in addition to the wear and tear they cause on Princess Anne Road and Pungo Ferry Road.Casie Hoover (Virginia Bch, 2025-01-07)
Bonney Bright Sand has not done a good job maintaining the roadway in front of the business. Almost daily there is sand and mud strewn on the roadway. This is spread across the state line, on the roadway, for over 1/4 of a mile north into Virginia Beach. If it rains the road becomes slippery and unsafe to drive on. This is the only roadway that leaves Knotts island.Also, the truck drivers themselves have been observed by myself and other citizens breaking traffic laws. Running stop signs to stay together, speeding up and blocking citizens who legally pass them, and driving down the middle of the roadway to block citizens from legally passing them. I am in strong opposition of existing banding the operations of this business.
John Jordan (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
I live in the northern portion of Knotts Island which is located in Virginia Beach. The current number of sand trucks is hinderance enough when traveling, I oppose adding more truck traffic. One must leave home. at a minimum, half hour to get to appointments, meetings etc. Sand on the road is also damaging to vehicle bodies.Jane Brumley (Virginia each,VA, 2025-01-07)
I strongly oppose!! Sick and tired of washing my car only to have it filthy as I drive passed the pit! I have chipped paint on my hood from rocks flying off the trucks!Also getting behind 5/7 trucks more often than not with drivers on cell phones not paying attention to their driving.
Kathy Jirdan (Knotts island, 2025-01-07)
Enough is enough of Mr. Brights Sand Pit and all the truck traffic. He done made his several millions of dollars.Dwight Scott (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
The trucks are a safety hazard on P.A. road as it us now I can't imagine what it would be like with even more traffic. They need a different access road and metal grates to shake the mudd off their wheels before they enter the highway. It's a hazard for cars and motorcycles with all the slippery mudd on the roadJohn Sayas (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
Not to allow any more dump trucks. I'm a resident of Knotts island and the roads are busy with BB trucks and at times very messing due to high volume of dirt and mud.Lorraine Sayas (27950, 2025-01-07)
I travel often to Pungo and Knotts island from Sandbridge to see family and friends. Princess Anne Road is dangerous, narrow and can’t handle more large dump trucks.Summer Lane (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-07)
There are too many trucks on the road already, it has become dangerous.Mary Blackmore (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
As a concerned resident, I am increasingly frustrated with the unsafe driving habits on the island, where reckless drivers often run others off the road, putting everyone at risk. This is a serious issue that needs immediate attention to ensure the safety of our community.Additionally, the poor road conditions leave my vehicles covered in mud every time I leave the island, forcing me to clean them multiple times a week. This constant upkeep is inconvenient, costly, and avoidable with proper road maintenance.
Christina Davis (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
I’m signing because I live right across the street from Bonny bright, and the trucks make the road conditions dirty, as well as way too many trucks on the road. I am having a baby soon and the truck drivers are not always safe. It makes driving down the road scary.Selena Whitt (Knotts Island, 2025-01-07)
There are too many trucks damaging the road and causing issues and delays. I've had 2 windows damaged by rocks driving behind bonney bright trucks.Ryan Fahey (Knott's island, 2025-01-08)
the public should not be inconvenienced or forced to accept degraded roadways in an area where public transport is hampered or degraded due to private industry. private industry should be compensating public infrastructure in those instances.Walter Raffa (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-08)
Tired of all the trucks on Indian RiverMargaret Raffa (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-08)
I'm signing this petition because it is obvious that the road around that area cannot be maintained properly. I can only imagine how much more dirt and sand will end up in the roadway if more trucks were allowed daily. The dirt and sand is so bad right now that it is piled up around the tree trunk and mounds along the sides of the road.Another concern is the amount of truck traffic on Princess Anne. The trucks are destroying the roads making more and more potholes that do not get repaired in a timely manner, probably because the city or state cannot afford to keep repairing the road. The road conditions are affecting my personal vehicles along with others also. The sand and dirt are a hazard to drive thru when dry, dust our vehicles. And when it's wet outside the road is slick from the sand and that wet sand packs the undercarriage of our vehicles.
The area is very unsightly and looks like a very trashy area. Not a good look going into Carolina.
More trucks equals more sand debris, equals more property damage to the nearby houses and trailers and their personal vehicles. I cannot imagine how the health of neighboring homes can be with all the sand they are breathing in. No matter how many times they change their home filters they will continue to be in an unhealthy environment.
When is enough enough. The profits of the sandpit, adding more trucks to increase their profits is endangering the community and environment.
Tina Sealey (KNOTTS ISLAND, 2025-01-08)
The road leaving the island is destroyed due to dirt being dumped by these trucks. Rocks/sand get thrown on my vehicles everytime we drive through that area. We often get stuck behind multiple dump trucks driving to or from the sand pit and they cause constant backups for KI residents, not to mention the countless times they've driven into ditches and stopped traffic for hours. They've already cut down ALL of the trees blocking the view to the sand pits, so we get that view instead of the natural beauty that you look forward to driving out to the island.Megan Thomson (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
I'm signing the petition because per the permit agreement they were only allowed a certain number of trucks for a reason. They were also supposed to do a beautification of the area at a certain phase and that has not even begun. I saw there was supposed to be tree lined roadway with a man-made lake for the community to enjoy. They need to uphold their part of contract. Currently the area is an eyesoar and very dangerous road condition that is not a very "Welcoming to North Carolina" first impression.Although there is a sweeper there on a regular basis he cannot keep up with the amount of sand and dirt that is being tracked into the roadway. Knowing they cannot keep up with maintenance now leads to knowing it will be even harder to get done with even more trucks. The ditches are filled with sand so the road cannot drain causing excessive puddling which in turn is a hazardous condition for all.
Connie Bearden (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
Im signing because there is already a problem with the independent drivers cutting off drivers leaving Knotts island. They blatantly drive through the stop sign at the exit, I the amount leaving as it is shouldn't be increased.Lance Boyd (Knotts island, 2025-01-08)
Because this area affects our living conditionsAngela Shepard (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
As an islander, there’s only one way to town, which passes this area. I’m fine with navigating the traffic, as we’ve learned to be prepared for dump trucks and tractors out here in the ‘country’ however, the area where these trucks travel and turn in/out has become an absolute disaster. They are doing their best to keep up with the mess that the other trucks are making, but it’s just overwhelming at this point! As it stands now, dump trucks(not B.B.) leave, pulling out infront of traffic, flinging mud, mud caked high into the northbound lane, trucks loosing dirt all up Princess Anne rd., and occasionally swerving across their lane with inconsistencies in their speed.If the opportunity to allow more of this chaos, there will be more than just mud caked cars and ‘scares’ from close calls, and that is why we can’t allow it. There has to be tighter guidelines in place as it stands.
Samantha Walker (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
I drive past almost in a daily basis and can NEVER KEEP a clean car even though it have resorted to a monthly car wash plan and literally have to wash it every other day mostly every day I take pride in my vehicle my home and my property and do the utmost up keep I can on everythingHeidi White (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
I'm signing because Pungo and Knotts Island cannot take on more of the big trucks and traffic. Our small community is being overrun. It causes more back ups, traffic problems, and accidents. Not to mention the constant road debris causing back ups and vehicle damage.Joshua Ballou (Pungo, 2025-01-08)
The number of dump trucks is excessive already. These trucks come around these blind curves across the middle line almost hitting me on a daily basis. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like if they allow an increase!Germaine Findlay (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
These trucks are very dangerous he's going to cause a nasty accident and someone's going to get killed.......Mario Bortoluzzi (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-08)
The trucks have become over bearing on Princess Anne and this road can not absorb anymoreHeather Maxwell (VIRGINIA BCH, 2025-01-08)
Im signing this petition for two reasons. First,due to the deplorable condition and maintenance of the roadway at the entrance of this pit. Too many days there is loose dirt or mud piling up. The speed limit is 55 and this section of the roadway is a continuous hazard.My second reason, is the oblivious dump truck drivers that come from all over Hampton roads to this pit. They don’t know these country roads and speed throughout. Taking turns too fast and crossing over center lines. I personally have had more close calls than I’d like to admit. Increasing this kind traffic is careless with lack of regard to residents and commuters who will share these roads.
Brittany Nosay (Knotts island, 2025-01-08)
Bonney Bright Sand doesn't need to be running more trucks up and down Princess Anne - they are unable to maintain the fleet already on the road. As a former commercial dispatcher for a large shipping organization, I personally have been behind several of their trucks that have had massive issues that would have failed a simple DOT inspection - up to and including one which had it's license plate and both tail lights covered in mud forcing me to guess whether or not the truck in front of me was stopping. This isn't an isolated occurrence, issues with their drivers are rampant as it seems they hire the least qualified drivers they can find. They're already constantly putting these trucks in ditches, which ties up the only route on and off of this island for hours at a time. Nevermind the severe amount of sand/mud and rocks they create for a solid 1/4 mile around the entrance to the pit. Honestly, this needs to be denied.Norman Wilson (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
I do not mind Bonneys trucks but the additional ones are a concern. They are not familiar with roads causing traffic backups, extra sand on roads, vehicles taking dangerous chances trying to pass and their disregard for school buses and children.Robin Burnette (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
Increased dump truck traffic is a significant threat to public safety under existing road conditions.Bernard Hanfin (Knotts island, 2025-01-08)
Princess Anne road can’t afford anymore dump trucks! This pit is hauling out of NC side but digging in Va! The road is absolutely horrible and not kept clean!The mining commission and local government should be involved.
Melissa Simpson (Knotts Island, 2025-01-08)
I visit Knotts Island often and I am aware of the traffic using the single lane road in and out of the Island. Increase in trucks hauling sand and gravel between Knotts Island and the Creeds area would create additional hazards on an already dangerously overcrowded roadway.Luis Revelle (Lynch Station, 2025-01-08)
I live as the main exit point from my neighborhood off of Seaboard Road and I have experienced extreme trauma from the current level of trucks and their lack of Duke care and concern for the rest of us on the road. Additional trucks Would add to safety risks already in place Due to their sheer volume and numbers On such a small thin road.Dara Riley (VIRGINIA BCH, 2025-01-08)
I've witnessed a Bonney Broght truck crash on Princess Anne, and there are so many of them. The first from their entry pint is tearing up my car everyday which isn't fair. And the amount of traffic they cause from first thing in the morning until evening is congestion the roads.Breana Wilk (knotts island, 2025-01-11)
I live on the North end of Knotts Island. My daughter is a brand new driver. There is constant dirt and debris on the road. A lot of truck drivers come around turns halfway across the yellow line. I'm extremely concerned for safety and more trucks on the road will only make it worse. This country road is not designed to handle all this truck traffic.Kristin Williams (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-11)
I’m signing because the amount of heavy dump trucks on our country road is tearing it up. Trucks come from all over Tidewater. Most don’t know the roads. I can’t tell you have many times I’ve had a truck cross the line into my lane. I even had one almost rear end me when I turned into my driveway. I used my signal in plenty of time. The truck locked his brakes and left skid marks on the road. I’ve had to pick up blown tire debris from in front of my house because the drivers don’t feel the need to do it. I know for a fact that Bonney was limited to 75 loads a day but his logs have shown as many as 300. He is in violation of his original agreement and should not be allowed to increase the number of trucks. I also think an environmental impact statement should be made at his expense. We are all on well water here and it’s a concern that we may have our wells go dry. I’ve had to drive past the entrance to the sand pit and the road is often covered in dirt or mud. There is a guy who drives a sweeper, but it does little to clean the road. My car is covered with dirt and I need it detailed. Since it’s winter, I have seen ice on that’s stretch of the road as well. Finally, I live in between two sharp curves. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen impatient drivers pass dump trucks going north. That part of the road in front of my house is a no passing zone. I’ve had to add extra time to my drive to work because getting behind a slow moving dump truck means it takes longer to get to work.Peggy Bryan (Virginia Beach, 2025-01-11)
Judy ScaggsJUDY SCAGGS (Knotts Island, 2025-01-12)
Consistent violations of the Conditional Use Permit for this Company. Application states he is clearly 6 times over the limit of truck trips on a regular basis and has been. A clear blatant violation of his CUP.Anne Standing (Va Beach, 2025-01-14)