Stop ACTBLUE from harassing donors

Dear Democratic Party: We are tired of the gloom-and-doom, sky-is-falling, woe-is-us, depressing, discouraging, ridiculous email messages that ACTBLUE sends in the names of people we thought we could depend on to be honest with us and treat us with respect. We doubt seriously that President Obama, First Lady Obama, Vice President Biden, President Clinton, Senator Reid, Speaker Pelosi, or the multitude of others whose names appear on these letters spend hours of each day drafting and/or approving the letters that go out in their names. If so, it's a huge disappointment that they don't realize this harassment and dishonesty is insulting, and harmful. Who is going to believe anyone who sends out an honest 'we need your help' letter?

Please, make the harassment and hyperbole stop before ACTBLUE does more harm than good. Soon, people that you have been able to depend on for years are going to take them up on the FINAL NOTICE and remove their names from the mailing or send them straight to spam.