This petition is a proposal to rename the NLCS Performing Arts Center to honor Guy H. Rumsey and his years of dedication to the Performing Arts.
Below is a letter that will be presented to the North Lawrence Community Schools Board of Education asking that Guy H. Rumsey, a renowned music educator, be honored by newly dedicating and renaming the Bedford North Lawrence Performing Arts Center thus recognizing Rumsey’s service to the community and his leadership in the arts.
To The North Lawrence Community School Board:
Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” One player in particular, Guy H. Rumsey, looms large as an influential and guiding figure; promoting, instilling, and impressing the value of performing arts in both the students that were fortunate enough to work with him, and the greater North Lawrence community as a whole.
For 55 years, Rumsey led a generation of Elementary, Middle School and High School students fostering a wholly inclusive community, introducing the performing arts to students of all skill levels, backgrounds, ages, and interests, and granting them new avenues of purpose and self discovery. Guy worked tirelessly to make sure that the NLCS students and staff reached their full potential. You could say his teachings went far beyond the confines of basic arts curriculum and into a whole person method of learning. It was with this approach that he reached into the hearts of his students, colleagues and community members.
To the thousands of students Guy taught and mentored, his value cannot be overstated. He provided real knowledge to youthful, hungry minds that wanted more. There is hardly a person who was taught by Guy that wouldn’t reflect on him with humorous stories of his fiery personality and positive accolades of his talent and wisdom. Some would see him as a major influence towards obtaining self-confidence and realization. For others, the prime inspiration in the forging of a lifelong passion. And for many, he was the very role model that not just shaped them but challenged and encouraged who they ultimately became as individuals.
Our vibrant Performing Arts Center goes hand-in-hand with a vibrant community. Through music and related arts we practiced, performed and grew up together ultimately creating lifelong bonds. Rumsey had a massive vision and was relentless and instrumental in designing our State of the Art facility that is known state wide as one of the very best. He truly wanted our kids to experience excellence and he worked hand in hand with administrators, peers, contractors and others to bring the facility to fruition. Our kids and our entire community have enjoyed it for years and will for ages to come. We are still proud each and every time we enter those doors.
For his service, expertise and dedication we are overdue in thanking and honoring Guy Rumsey. As time tends to do, Rumsey’s countless contributions have become somewhat of a lingering echo. Though he’s very much responsible for putting NLCS on the map when it comes to the arts, there are many who sadly don’t know of his name and story or of how he was recognized and respected throughout Indiana.
For his unparalleled service during his time as an educator, we the undersigned propose to pay tribute to Guy with the renaming of the current BNL Performing Arts Center. Given Rumsey’s undeniable lifelong legacy to our schools and our town, such a dedication seems only fitting. We ask the NLCS School Board to consider this proposal, to rename the BNL Auditorium the “Guy H. Rumsey Performing Arts Center”.
Thank you sincerely for your time, thought and attention.
Please read and consider not only signing the petition but also distributing copies and encouraging others to sign.
Carla R. Hamilton Contact the author of the petition
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