Most Popular Petitions
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Per nje ligj efektiv mbi Mbrojtjen e Kafshëve në Shqipëri / For an effective Animal Protection Law i
1315 Created: 2010-07-21 Statistics
انجمن (بنیاد) نرم افزارهای آزاد/متنباز، پشت پرده مصادره یک هویت
462 Created: 2020-07-18 Statistics
❗Support International Students in TRNC❗
6 Created: 2020-03-30 Statistics
The A9 community does not take it anymore - stop the greed, Gameloft!
941 Created: 2019-08-16 Statistics
Free ASAP Rocky from Jail
1002 Created: 2019-07-06 Statistics
Statement of the Network of University Teachers against banning the Gender Studies Program
5124 Created: 2018-08-14 Statistics
Analytic Philosophy Department in Zagreb to be closed down
1783 Created: 2017-03-21 Statistics
Impotriva eutanasierii dupa 14 zile la Adapost Public Moinesti
3199 Created: 2016-02-11 Statistics
Petition Aram and family
10712 Created: 2016-01-21 Statistics
Keep ZOO WORLD 2 going on Facebook!
815 Created: 2015-11-27 Statistics
One Million to ban brutal massacre of Lions!
5540 Created: 2014-06-11 Statistics
Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland
11708 Created: 2013-11-10 Statistics