trump has signed a bill stating that no one is allowed to use non binary as a gender and that trans people are to be treated and go by their gender at birth, I wish for this law not to be passed

I do not think it is fair. For if this law is passed this law to be an infringement on our human rights law. I for one (as do many) see this law as a way for the government to pick and choose just whose human rights are valid and whose aren't in their own judgement. I feel (as do many) that all human rights matter. This law being passed will only allow some people to have rights while others rights will be disregarded as non-important. I vote for a world where people have equal rights, can be allowed to be themselves without consequence of law and not be forced to conform to what the government deems fit in terms of gender identity. The government should not have say so in what we as an individual choose to label as. Our community is not harming anyone by not conforming to gender-binary. Trans people are not harming anyone in wishing to transition. The government has no argument as to why they wish to force us to go by our gender at birth other than they simply "do not like it". I (as well as many others feel that is isn't a good reason. I wish with the help of everyone who agrees and signs this petition to stop this law in it's tracks and to stop this law from being passed.

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