US Virgin Island Voters Demand Reinstatement of Paper Ballot And Manual Counting At Polls After Closing
Prior to the General Election of 2012, voter's mistrusted and were fed up with using 26 year-old Shouptronic voting machines that were not only museum pieces, but simultaneously purchased as salvage by LeHigh University Computer Science students for $25 and hacked within 15 minutes.
The reliability of the voting machines were constantly materially misrepresented by election officials as "failsafe", "state-of-the-art", and "tamperproof." However, the voting alternative measure was approved and paper ballots were re-introduced into VI Elections.
The present voter ES&S technology introduced in 2014 is not only on the cusp of obsolescence (according to the Brennan Center) due to age and increasing security vulnerabilities, but the Election System officials expressed their official belief to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in August of 2018, our voting technology is "at great risk of being penetrated and compromised."
Since then there appears to be no record of upgrades or improvements relative to enhancing voting technology integrity, thus exposing voters to incremental risk over four (4) elections to include this one (2024).
Presently, the circumstance is voters can use a paper ballot, but are forced into feeding the ballot into electronic tabulation. In the event the will of the voter protests strong opposition to use the tabulator, they are advised their ballot is considered automatically "spoiled" (without prior vetting or verification) and to place it into a bin which ballots will later be passed through the tabulator by sticky-finger gremlins without the voter's advance knowledge nor consent.
My research has not produced any amendments, overrides or rescinding of the 2012 legislation as apparently replaced by the current, arbitrary, strong-arm ultimatums.
Please, please sign this petition to reinstate voters' previous right to vote paper ballot, to place them into a secure, physical bin to be counted manually upon poll closing at the polling site under strict public witness and suffocating chain of custody.
Thank You!
Mystery Man Contact the author of the petition