The Democratic Alliance and the residents of Ward 106 are calling on MMC Leshaka Manamela who is the MMC for Water, Sanitation and Energy for the City of Ekurhuleni, to account for the failed service delivery by the department regarding streetlights which have not been functioning for months and in some instances more than a year. Despite residents and the Councillor continuously logging non-functioning streetlights via the various reporting options the City of Ekurhuleni provides and sending to the department, there is little to no improvement in the situation.

The Democratic Alliance believes the lack of ensuring streetlights are in working order directly impacts on the safety and security of the residents of Ward 106. The MMC needs to provide answers.

*The Democratic Alliance treats your personal information in a confidential manner in terms of the POPI Act and confirms that the information shared is not shared with third parties. The DA's POPI Policy is available on the DA’s website, - The information given may be used only by the DA to update voter information. The petition will be submitted to council via the DA's Elected Councillor for Ward 106, Cllr Timothy Denny*

Democratic Alliance Alberton, Ward 106   

Contact the author of the petition

Councillor Timothy Denny, Ward 106 Councillor (Democratic Alliance)    Contact the author of the petition

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