Petition imploring VCAA and the Department of Education to support the Class of 2021 by altering the study design.

We can all agree that the Class of 2020 had it rough, studying all their year 12 subjects online. but what about us? The Class of 2021 has had it's 3rd snap lockdown this year (5 throughout the whole course of our VCE studies) disrupting our learning as we continuously switch between on-site and online learning. This has put increased stress on the mental health of year 12's and has created a wedge in how well we as students can learn and retain information that is taught to us due to the sudden lockdowns we have experienced in the last 7 months. With only 3 months of our formal schooling to go, i implore VCAA and the Department of Education to alter the study design like how they did for the Class of 2020 in order to alleviate some of the stress of learning difficult concepts through this year's constant, changing rules regarding the management of COVID-19. 

Mia Suda, Morgan Vella    Contact the author of the petition

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