The Argument against Nuclear Power as Sustainable for Finance



I am signing because nuclear power is a threat for the presence and for the long-term future. This is not responsible and not sustainable, meaning it is not guaranteing a good future for the next generations.

Monika Hirschmugl-Fuchs (Lieboch, 2022-01-04)


Weil diese Einstufung als nachhaltige Energie völlig absurd wäre. Falls die Atom Lobbyisten dies durchsetzen können, wäre der Zeitpunkt für den Austritt Österreichs aus der EU gekommen.

Franz Ströhle (Dalaas, 2022-01-04)


invest6 all that money in renewable energy forms

Tilman Voss (Vienna, 2022-01-04)


nuclear Power is not good for our Planet und not good for the following generations

Daniel Kirpicsenko (3001 Mauerbach, 2022-01-04)


only renewables are real green energy

Josef Baernthaler (Judenburg, 2022-01-04)


Nuclear power was is and will always be a power we can not control.

Roland Vogtenhuber (Steinbrunn Neue Siedlung, 2022-01-04)


Gas and Nuclear power are in no way renewable und must not be considered as a solution, not even a temporarily transition technolgy.

Andreas Schloffer (Dörfles, 2022-01-04)


I will not allow to build new nuclear reactors

Gerhard Liebhart (Stall im Mölltal, 2022-01-04)


I'm signing because neither nuclear power plants nor gas-power-plants are a way to avoid climate-disaster. Burning gas causes still more CO2. And an accident like Tschernobyl can happen any day. The only save way is to use solar-energy.

Helmut Belanyecz (Vienna, 2022-01-04)


Our Planet belongs to the following generations! Nuclear waste will contamine their future!

Andreas Irmler (Wien, 2022-01-04)


I do not agree that with further extension of the usage of nuclear power - in contrary, this should be banned as soon as possible!

Gabriele Waltner (Hornsburg, 2022-01-04)


Danger! No need! Prefere Photovoltaik!

Werner Schwarz (Stams, 2022-01-04)


The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant destroyed many people's lives and polluted the environment. Nuclear power plants that produce nuclear waste and radiation exposure are incompatible with sustainability and the environment.

Kanna Mitsuta (Tokyo, 2022-01-05)


The track record of nuclear energy - with initial projections of catastrophic events potential not predicting any of such events happening, as well as the issue of handling waste, make the currently operating tech a massive health risk.
Due to the immense amounts of cooling energy - continuously heating rivers, already now lead to the shut off of nuclear along many rivers in France, contributing to warming our surroundings, making nuclear energy non-compatible to our climate mitigation objectives.
Such greenwashing dilutes any aspirations towards fighting climate change.

Bubendorfer Alwin (Salzburg, 2022-01-05)


I'm strongly against, nuclear energy to be recognized as "sustainable" in EU Taxonomy.
Nuclear is too risky, too expensive, too expensive, and too slow to tackle against climate crisis.
Moreover, there is not any "safe" way to keep and resolve radioactive nuclear waste ever.

Akiko Yoshida (Tokyo, 2022-01-05)


This is very important

Herta Hans (Pèrchtoldsdorf , 2022-01-05)


Nuclear Power is NEVER an Alternative!!

Friedrich Wernitznig (Sattendorf, 2022-01-05)


The consequences of Nucleat power damages nature and men.

Waltraud Ebner (Lanzenkirchen, 2022-01-05)


I am signing because there is no safe solution to dispose of nuclear waste. Not on our planet, not in the universe.
This endangers the life of my children and grandchildren and all generations to come.

Afra Margaretha (Vienna, 2022-01-05)


I'm signing in because nuclear power plants are not secure and waste from these plants represent high risk waste. I think we have enough other options with less negative impact.

Ursula Oberhollenzer (Vienna, 2022-01-05)


there are more than enough very good reasons to withdraw from nuclear energy. It is neither green nor renewable.

Elisabeth Bohunovsky (Vienna, 2022-01-05)


Atom-Energy is not sustainable! It is dangerous.

Richard Simmer (Kirchberg an der Pielach, 2022-01-05)


nuclear power is the end of human mankind

Johannes Stangl (Graz, 2022-01-05)


Nuclear power is not safe and will destroy the future of our children

Manfred Ergott (Litschau, 2022-01-05)


I signed allready against Zwentendorf!

Barbara Dürr (Salzburg, 2022-01-05)


because we should not use that much electricity that makes it "necessary" to use nuclear power

Aurelia Jurtschitsch (Gobelsburg, 2022-01-05)


Nichts, wovon eine solche Gefahr ausgeht, kann gut sein!

Bettina Storch (Wien, 2022-01-05)


I am signing because the problem of long term management of nuclear waste seems not solved. Therefore problems for the health of human beings and animals would be created.

Peter Fleissner (Vienna, 2022-01-05)


I am signing it because nuclear energy is dangarous, destroing environment and in the worst case killing people and there are now numerous reneable energy sources in place that should be the only basis for the green transation

Christian Stampfer (Schwaz, 2022-01-05)


"menschliche Fehlbarkeit und Plutionium eine schlechte Allianz sind" (E.z.G.)

Isolde Schönstein (Wien, 2022-01-05)


Nuclear power is sustainable. A sustainable THREAT to humans, nature and our entire planet. Once established, a nuclear plant will produce waste and danger which are outsourced to the next generations, centuries etc. The smallest mistake can cause continents to die. NO TO NUCLEAR POWER!!!!

Benjamin Thannesberger (Thalgau, 2022-01-05)


We in Austria have voted for nuclear power rejection 1978.

Felix Reinhard Paulesich (Laxenburg, 2022-01-05)


I'm signing because I'm Japanese who caused Fukushima disaster.

Yoshiyuki SEGAWA (Tokyo, 2022-01-05)


Ich unterschreibe, weil es doch nicht sein kann dass unsere Vertreter Atomenergie als "Grün" einstufen und diese auch noch fördern. ...was muss denn noch alles passieren damit diese Vertreter, das Volk vertreten, nicht diese korrupte Lobby. Schützt doch endlich diese Erde und uns Menschen....

Gabi Scheikl (3203 Rabenstein, 2022-01-05)


Atomic energy in my opinion isn´t renewable!

Thomas Haberfehlner (Wien, 2022-01-05)


weil ich gegen Atomkraft bin

Horst HUBER (Alpenvereinsjugend Österreich, 2022-01-05)


Austria is making any attempt to get real green energy sources, like wind or solar. So EU should not make it easy to other countries to greenwash their nuclear energy, even if it is unavoidable for a while. The REAL costs (meaning also final deposition, or think of Fukushima) has to be carried by those who benefit from selling this type of energy, not the general public.

Hans Feichtinger (Mistelbach, 2022-01-05)


Both energy sources are dangerous and not sustainable

Heinrich Wohlmeyer (Lilienfeld, 2022-01-05)


Atomkraft ist Sch...

Martin Erkl (Wien, 2022-01-05)


because I am CONVINCED that we can do better than reinstalling a completely UNACCEPTABLE technology.

Elke Wörndle (Bregenz, 2022-01-05)


I am signing because of the high costs of nuclear energy, the extreme consequences in case of an accident and the unsolved problem of permanent recuperation of nucear waste.

Harald Friedl (Bad Gleichenberg, 2022-01-05)


I am signing because nuclear energy is definitely not an option for a Sustainable Energy systems future. It is also against all other EU Green Deal policies and thus should/must not(!!!) be included in the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy!!!

Reinhold W. Lang (Graz, 2022-01-05)


Nuclear energy is not the solution as long as we cannot handle nuclear waste. It is dangerous for all of us! Moreover a proper nuclear accident would destroy our livelihood in whole Europe.

Ulrike Kabosch (Graz, 2022-01-05)


Throwing more money at this long-subsidized dirty fuel-based technology is a grotesque diversion of resources away from building the clean energy future the entire world needs. The assertion that nuclear is zero-carbon is scientifically false. Nuclear fission produces carbon-14 - a radioactive form of carbon with a half-life of some 5,700 years. The full fuel cycle, the only key relevant greenhouse gas emission lens, produces prodigious amounts of GHGs as well as large quantities of toxic effluents. Nuclear operations are increasingly risky under the very conditions of climate change (drought, flooding, extreme storms). And a bad day at a nuclear reactor is the devastation of an entire geographic region.

Michel Lee (Scarsdale, 2022-01-06)


Ist dangerous.

Franz Dirnbacher (Kirchberg, 2022-01-06)


Tschernobyl, Fukushima we need no more

Pesendorfer Ingrid (Markt.St.Martin, 2022-01-06)