Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR - reopened


/ #4

2014-01-09 07:25

For years ago, I was kind of involved in the Swedish Children's Welfare "Case of Alexander Aminoff", in the German press - Stern, der Spiegel - titulated as Kinder-Gulag. Later on, I wrote a book on 516 pages that took up the case, in Swedish "Vitsippornas Tid" = Anemone Season, ISBN 91-7040-053-9. The book came out year 2006 but did not sell - none of the big daily papers in Sweden commented my works and I had no advertisement budget for the purpose of giving it publicity.
One Estonian, and a Finnish weekly in Sweden gave very positive critics over the story. My conspiratory theory of course is, My book was simply silenced as being too critical for the Swedish s c welfare system.
I was encouraged, by my literary colleagues, to let publish the book in German, but my contacts to Germany & Austria are really poor in these days.
Martin Hillebard Lidingö Sweden