ABP STOP Israël Boycot!


/ #250

2014-02-06 03:53

This petition is long overdue - its about time that the pro-Israel groups began taking aggressive action to get the truth out to the media and the public at large. Where is the boycott of Syria (in case you haven't noticed, the UN confirms that more than 130,000 people have been murdered by its government in less than 18 months, ten times the number of those killed in all of the Israel-Palestinian/Arab Wars)?

Where is the boycott of Iran for providing unlimited funding and weapons to Hezbollah, which has destabilized the legitimate government of Lebanon?

Where is the boycott of China for what it has done to Tibet? Why aren't you boycotting Spain for not giving in to the Basque demands for an autonomous region?

Its all about anti-Semitism and fear of terrorism, and if that sounds familiar in Holland, take a look at what happened between 1940-45.