
/ #8

2015-11-15 10:46

Closing off Europe's borders is a sure way to eliminate any other outside threat. And like it or not Europe has got a Muslim Problem most of them don't seem to believe or care for western Values. They refuse to integrate into Western society, choosing to stay with their 3rd world laws. The EU is only asking for trouble when they bring in Hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Immigrants with no background checks. You don't know if they are murders or rapist.

It Truly sickens me to the core that within a couple of days of hospitality. These sick, poor excuses of humans, walking sacks of flesh take advantage of everyone. Muslim men sexually molesting women and Children gang raping them. Does anyone get upset and slug them across the mouth. No! No one does they get away with it cause in Europe and the west. Their is no Courage cause those who try to do good are punish. Their is No courage. Its replace with cowardice, theirs no Justice just Corruption, Pride in western culture is replace with self hate.

If this continues on, there won't be no EU. Cultures once in Europe will be wiped of the Face of Europe. Replaced with a 3rd world ideology. Your structures, art, and way of life will cease to exist.

And Why? Cause leaders like Merkel. Leaders like Merkel are sick in the head. Also continue to ignore the native people. she and others in control ignore the damage being done. They're delusional, everyone of them is asleep including the people. If they do not wake soon, the terror of reality will strike fear into their hearts. They will be lost forever in a black hole of dolefulness. Many people will not survive the on coming storm.

Countries of Europe don't be fooled by the lies of people who don't stand with you. They will use your great'st strength to bring you down. If you refuse to open your minds, war will be on the rise in your home. The only thing that will come of it is Communism. Then once that failure enters the counter will be National Socialism. Don't we know this all to well?

Today the first 10000 immigrants have touch American Soil in Louisiana. Many more are to come, 2 million i believe In a span of 2 years.This is a concerned Texan From the USA. Wish those in Europe to Fight for your rights. I also like to say stop with your self hatred. You need rise too overcome this tragic situation. Just like your ancestors before you. People will hurt. But its going to hurt even more if do nothing at all.