التصويت على انشاء اقليم العراق الغربي

علي السامرائي

/ #6 Re:

2011-11-21 23:02

#4: - 

We are the sons of the provinces (Nineveh) and (Saladin) and (Diyala) and (Anbar) and  when our cosins the arab country lt us down, and   since we are  already crushed between the  mutual enemies , USA & IRAN, and was proven,  that & with out any doubt, and across thousands of evidence, that the system of governance in Baghdad is steeped down to his ears  in a sectarian politics adopted  systematically, we find that is indispensable for us to form a region of economic security administrator assess the balance of Justice, who missed from Baghdad and reconstruct the homelands, which spirals toward the abyss of underdevelopment and corruption