"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1604

2012-03-09 08:10

120 Nigerian nationals deported for having fake (fake is the word that seem to rhyme with Nigeria) yellow fever vaccine certificates, and their Foreign Minister kicks up a storm calling us xenophobic towards all Africans and threatens to close down all South African businesses in Nigeria among them Shoprite Checkers, Multichoice and MTN and what does our International Relations Minister do? he apologises for what? More drugs, scams and more counterfeit cd's and dvd's and then these criminals have the audacity to threaten our Artists when they call them out on their criminal activities thereby robbing our Artist of their hard earned royalties and killing the craft. Greed is going to be the downfall of this country if unsavoury fools are going to have us by the short and curlies simply because they have the numbers so now in addition to being China's bitch we are also Nigeria's bitch? I think we as South Africans should also stand together like we did with this E-Tolling and boycott all the companies that have businesses in Nigeria, COSATU has already proved that it can be done. I am so fed-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!