"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1615 Degrading to Africans

2012-03-27 18:13

This show is degrading to all African countries who allow their flags and country names to be used just for a few greedy and immoral company directors to put money in their pockets.
This show is not like sport but a disgraceful promotion of sin and degradation of African youth to the world.
To me,all companies and people who want to take part in this show,are directly promoting hate and lack of morals across Africa,using South Africa as a platform.
Other countries dont allow this,but their nationals can display all their sins on South African soil. Is our country the cheapest country in Africa?
South Africa as a country and its people are being rediculed and disrespected by certain local and outside people and companies in the name of money. It is true that you will never see a big brother europe,ask yourself why.
People like Moeletsi Mbeki are plain hypocrites to be linked with this hate and sin promoting show while on the other hand,he stands on a fake moral pedestal to criticise other instituitions.