
Quoted post


#34 Re: Re: Get over it.

2011-06-08 20:48

#32: - Re: Get over it.

Haha, don't get me wrong, I am flattered by your sarcasm, and to be completely honest, If all people are thinking the way you do, I wouldn't have a problem with anything, but the fact of the matter is that these same people bitch and whine that Call of Duty is basically the same game every year, but when something like this happens, they go apeshit. Maybe it is just because I never found a emotional attachment to the BIA games itself, but I feel that change might be necessary... For the time being of course. I think that if they make one outlandish game it will be fine. After this they will probably return to their roots and everyone will have their beloved BIA 4 in a year.



#36 Re: Re: Re: Get over it.

2011-06-08 20:57:08

#34: achubbysquirrell - Re: Re: Get over it.  Oh I absolutely think that they will be producing a proper game within the next 3-4 years. My problem is we have already waited 3-4 years for that sequel and then we get this! It's just extremely dissapointing. Also it is more than just people here that are unhappy with it, I'd say it's about a 70:30 split. But hey fair enough if you never found the attachment to the game. :)

By the way have you ever seen Band of Brothers? If not it might help you to appreciate the game a bit more. Also I'm not being sarcastic or hating in anyway (:P), I genuinely accept your opinion.



#37 Re: Re: Re: Get over it.

2011-06-08 22:56:34

#34: achubbysquirrell - Re: Re: Get over it.

Cheers, then, brother...  I know it's pretty silly to get worked up over a game - any game.  That said, Aggies suck, Sooners blow, and God Bless Bevo.

I get so little time to play, I want the games to be what I want them to be...  in this world that doesn't exist where I am King of Everything.