Impotriva eutanasierii dupa 14 zile la Adapost Public Moinesti
[English below]
Va rog semnati aceasta petitie care atesta ca sunteti impotriva implementarii legii comform careia cateii din Adapostul Public Moinesti ar trebui sa fie eutanasiati dupa 14 zile. Luni , 15 Februarie este o dezbatere publica privind aplicarea acestei legi la adapostul Moinesti- SEMNATI ACUM DACA SUNTETI IMPOTRIVA, inainte de sedinta !
Cateii adusi in adapost au nevoie de mai mult de 14 zile pentru a putea fi sterilizati , vaccinati si apoi adoptati de oamenii din oras sau din afara. S-au facut multe adoptii in ultima luna. Voluntari pentru animale au scos in ultima luna de acolo 37 de catei care au fost adoptati. S-au adus caini noi in fiecare zi dar in timp se vor adopta cei 150 caini care sunt acum in adapost. Nu e vorba de supra aglomerare la Adapost, acum Mai sunt cam 50 de locuri libere si voluntarii se ocupa zilnic de intermediat adoptii. Va rog sa sustineti ca aceasta lege sa NU fie aplicata la adapostul municipal Moinesti; acesti catei frumosi au dreptul la viata ! Orice semnatura conteaza, e nevoie de sustinere de orice fel !! Atasez poze cu cativa din catelusii care sunt acum in adapost, in linkuri vedeti videoclipuri facute in toamna la adapost - au fost publicate in ziarul de Bacau. Atentie, aceste videoclipuri au puternic impact emotional.
Please sign this petition that is against the enactment of the law according to which dogs can be killed after 14 days being in the public shelter Moinesti. Please sign that this law is NOT enacted in Moinesti at the Public shelter. Monday , the 15th of February a debate will at the city hall concerning the enactment of this law. PLEASE SIGN BEFORE MONDAY TO HAVE A CHANCE IN STOPPING THEM.
The shelter is not over populated; there are 50 places free now out 200 spots there. The volunteers are busy daily to give the dogs there for adoption. This past month there have been 37 adoptions. Please support this petition, any signature matters! Please offer those dogs the right to live. You see in the pictures some of the dogs currently at the shelter. The links show 2 videos from autumn at the shelter. They have strong emotional impact.
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