New York State & Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) Rule Change


Two days before my father's death, he signed retirement papers to begin drawing his NYSLRS pension, but his retirement did not go into effect immediately because of a required waiting period. The retirement included provision that my 66-year old mother and 31-year old disabled brother would continue to receive his New York State pension upon his death. Unfortunately, for my mother and brother and many others, current NYSLRS rules prevented my mother from receiving the pension that both my father and his employer had funded, since he had not officially “retired”.

We are petitioning to change the NYSLRS rules so that if a member dies while still working and is entitled to a pension benefit, the beneficiary would have the option to receive the pension retirement benefits or the death benefits. Currently, the beneficiary does not have the option to receive the pension retirement benefits if the member dies in active service.




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