Adequate remuneration for Physiotherapists in South Africa

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Participation, spurred action

2015-12-31 02:59:18

2015 A Great year for Physiotherapy in South Africa

It is optional the Professional Association Physiotherapists want to belong in South Africa.

Participation, a key word in advancing a cause has so far spurred many into action. Participating in this petition has not been futile. Credit goes to all signatories.


There is the renowned South African Society of Physiotherapists and the newly registered Physiotherapy Association of South Africa.

It is hoped that the two professional associations would achieve the wishes of all the physiotherapists, students in training, physiotherapy technicians and assistants in the current clime we are in now and as at time goes by.

These wishes include participation in policy and decisions making processes which impact on our noble and distinguished profession, adequate and viable representation at various institutions and ensuring that physiotherapy is recognized as a noble profession that it is.

However, we also expect the balance score card of our professional associations be communicated as a strategic tool to have insight into how our highly esteemed profession continues into the future while guarding the interest of the profession.

For our generation of physiotherapists, the cause and course is what determines the professional association we affiliate with at this point in time.
Inclusivity, sustainable innovations, non-discrimination, unbiased and undiluted interest for the advancement of our profession, professional autonomy and united front amongst prompt dealing with issues affecting our distinguished profession would determine the mandate and support given to the professional associations we identify and affiliate with.

The undiluted ambition to ensure a cut across equal opportunities, development and adequate impetus for elevating physiotherapy and physiotherapists will keep the vision alive.

2016 and beyond definitely will be greater for Physiotherapy.

Viva Physiotherapy Viva

(Kindly inbox for further enquiries, suggestions and concerns)


Petition officially closed and many thanks once again for participating.

Jason Brownstone

Petition Signing the Starting Point

2015-06-04 11:24:01

Dear Distinguished colleagues and friends of Physiotherapy,

It is with great sense of unity to indicate to you that the petition has received 650 signatures.

However, this is only the starting point.

Various representation has been made such as to the Portfolio Chairperson on Committee on Health at Parliament of South Africa, Mr Vic Van Vuuren of the International Labour Organisation based in Pretoria, Mr Sibiya, General Secretary of the Public Health and Social Welfare Sectoral Bargaining Council. Cape Argus has shown interest also on this petition. The SASP has also been informed through a distinguished physiotherapist about the petition.

All, these are not enough and the true test and challenge is are we able to pull through with our demand.

The demand for us as professionals to fully represent ourselves.

The demand to be recognised and remunerated.

Hence, our deep and active follow up, participation is needed.

Kindly register your interest through e-mail

All the developments can be followed up on newly created facebook community page DIstinguished Physiotherapists Association of South Africa- Dipasa and your contribution is absolutely critical to the success of this cause.



Jason Brownstone

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