Will not be sweet to sign. For we respeter not cruelty to animals

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stop animal cruelty

2016-02-27 09:00:02

Dragasani... A small city in Valcea, 50 km far from us. A city where many bad unknown are happening... A city whete the bastards do not respect the laws and think they are above the law... Here the dogs are dying in the most horible ways!!! A part of the stray dogs are killed with poison forbniden by law, a part are captured from street in the most horible car, by some so-called "dogcatchers" who have nothing to do with the dogs, who use improvised "poles" to catch the dogs , thrown in 2 coffer with no ventilation, who capture all dogs and nobody knows where they arrive!!! There is a "shelter" with 8 boxes where live 5 dogs, in wind and cold, as sample... The rest nobody knows where they are or what happened!!! They don t have pallets, no vet only in papers, don t have caretakers, a person to watch them, they don t have a yard around the boxes. We wanted to adopt a wonderful boy but we could not because they didn t have a michrocip reader... The citizen of the city say horible things: in the night they are poissoned and in the morning the bodies are taken gathered or they are throun in the river Olt... We need your help to stop these horible crimes. There were made criminal complaints but it seems they don t care...
All who make and accept these horrible things you find them here!! I please you all from my friend list and your friends to stop these horible things!!!


Nu mai ucideti cânii. România nu este tara civilizata, sunteti in spatiul Schengen si ceea ce faceti este INTRERZIS !!!! Sa ti fie rusine.
Salutari Danemarca

Karina Ebbesen

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