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Wonderful news - the mast has been stopped !

2023-05-22 12:28:45


We found out this morning that the Planning Inspectorate have dismissed Three's appeal and the mast has been refused !

You can see the decision report on the PA website.

A big thank you to everyone for your support.

We continue to object to every mast in Solihull and we've also helped as far afield as Sussex and Kent.

We will all succeed in getting this entire roll-out stopped.

And yes I still believe the Angels are helping :-)

Warmest wishes

Tim and Michele

Tim and Michele Payne

Planning Inspectorate have allowed comments to be made up until May 3rd 2023

2023-04-19 18:30:13


We discovered that although Solihull Council had had a copy of the applicant's Appeal Statement of Case for several months it was not live on the SMBC public planning portal. The Inspectorate have therefore allowed more time for residents to comment upon it. It can be seen on the appeals section of the SMBC planning portal. It is mainly a standard cut and pasted appeal but there are several errors in it which we have pointed out to the Inspectorate.

Please make the Inspectorate know how you feel about the mast. The deadline is May 3rd.

The ref is still APP/Q4625/W/22/3307817 and this must be quoted. The Inspectorate's website is You can also email a comment fao Mike Lloyd to or write to Mr Mike Lloyd, Room 3K, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN

Thanks again

Tim and Michele Payne

Update on AA5G case and Hillfield mast refusal is being appealed - Please can you help?

2023-02-12 15:57:55


We wanted to update you all on a couple of things.

Firstly, the Action Against 5G Judicial Review led by Michael Mansfield KC and a legal team was heard at the Royal Courts of Justice on Feb 6th and 7th. We were fortunate to be in the packed public gallery. The Judgment is awaited.

Three have decided to appeal the Planning Committee's refusal of this mast. We've been awaiting Three's Statement of Appeal which has not yet been provided.

This is the link to the appeal which will be heard by the Planning Inspectorate who are based in Bristol -

You will see a make representation button in the top right hand corner and it would be wonderful if as many of you as possible could please let the Planning Inspectorate know your feelings on this mast proposal.

The deadline is Tuesday February 21st.

The Inspectorate will be made aware of this petition and all existing 47 objections. We are doing a submission and remain very hopeful that the same arguments re the lack of technical justification still stand.

We have been working on objecting to all 5G mast applications in Solihull since Sept and 2 further masts have been refused and we have also helped the refusal of 2 masts in Brighton including the infamous Fishersgate reapplication, as well as supporting the AA5G case.

Councillor Joe Tildesley is fully behind us again - this may be his swansong before his retirement in May.

Please contact the Planning Inspectorate so they understand our strength of feeling.

Many Thanks and Warmest Wishes

Tim and Michele Payne

The application was refused !

2022-09-07 20:12:41

We'll update you properly tomorrow but we just wanted to let you know that it was refused.


Tim and Michele Payne

Thank you - please keep everything crossed :-)

2022-09-06 18:21:17
We contacted the Council and the Planning Committee have agreed to read Tim's rebuttal analysis in advance of the meeting on Sept 7th and we reminded them about the petition, as both had previously not been considered.
We've printed colour bundles of the 6 slides for the committee in case of a technical glitch.
As some of you know we believe in Angels and the Angel signs are incredibly strong and we truly believe that the residents will be listened to, because that is what is right and fair.
We believe - a positive intention is incredibly powerful.
A huge Thank you for all your support - it has actually been lovely meeting and working together with everyone.
We could have done without the stress, mind you ! Where did the Summer go.
We shall have everything possible crossed for all of our sakes :-)
Joe Tildesley and Tim's speeches are powerful and we're grateful to Joe for his support right from the start.
Michael Mansfield QC's crowdfunded Judicial Review hearing can't come soon enough - it will be early December we believe.
Warmest wishes



Tim and Michele Payne

5G Mast Update

2022-08-29 14:03:37

Hi Everyone,

We’re really grateful for all the support. Everyone in your home can sign individually which will help send a really powerful message to the Council.

Encouraging news that we’d like to share with you all. Coventry Council have in the last month refused 10 applications from Three for 5G masts in residential areas.

We also have huge faith in the Michael Mansfield QC led legal team. The Judicial Review will be listed this year. The legal team are closely monitoring the West Midlands situation.

We have known of the dangers of EMFs for 20 years. We attended a conference with Professor Olle Johansson, Professor Dimitris Panagopolous, and Dr. George Carlo (a Telecoms industry whistle-blower).

In June 2020 we submitted a 9-page objection to all 8 5G masts in North and South Solihull.

We sent a 31 page fully scientifically referenced objection to the Charterhouse Drive mast in July. This week we sent a 32-page detailed rebuttal of the application on planning grounds alone. Summary below:

A determination as to whether or not the Prior Approval of the Local Authority is required has been submitted for a new electronic communications mast and associated equipment to be used solely by H3G which is the network division of Three, one of the 4 national telecommunications network providers in the UK. The proposed mast would be a 15m high 4G LTE and 5G monopole together with the installation of three ground-based equipment cabinets. The applicant has:

  • Failed to demonstrate a robust, accurate or transparent requirement for the proposed structure in relation to the operator’s operational needs.
  • Failed to demonstrate a robust identification and assessment of realistic alternative sites and upgrade options.
  • Failed to provide a standardized, complete, accurate and high-quality submission providing the necessary evidence to support the application as per NPPF and Code of practice for wireless network development in England (updated March 2022).
  • Failed to comply with the Solihull Local Plan policy P14 regarding mast siting in relation to existing residential properties.
  • Failed to prove that the proposed structure would be ICNIRP compliant when operational.
  • Failed to fulfill the consultation duties as laid out in the NPPF and Code of practice for wireless network development in England.
  • Failed to propose a design and location that minimizes visual harm and loss of amenity to local residents.

The potential severe visual harm and loss of amenity to Hillfield residents due to this proposal is not outweighed by the unjustified need for this proposal for the reasons highlighted above and set out fully in the body of this report.

Assuming the Council take notice then we are feeling very hopeful ahead of the planning committee meeting on 7th September.

P.S. We are keeping this petition open until the 7th September.

P.P.S. There is also a petition against the 5G mast for Three in Knowle High Street

Tim and Michele Payne

Thanks for signing the mast petition

2022-08-14 11:08:57

Numbers really count - so please could you ask everyone in your house to sign this petition.

It's the Councillors on the Planning Committee who decide - so they need to know how we all feel.

Really grateful for your support

Many thanks - we will stop this!

Tim and Michele Payne

Tim and Michele Payne

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