Force Manqarrow to Make a Fursona

?????????????????????????? they wont make one and how tf am i supposed to draw our squad or anything with them in it

[6:05:12 PM] Katana < 3: I'm going to make a petition fletch
[6:05:24 PM] oh no [mang]: oh no
[6:05:52 PM] oh no [mang]: a petition
[6:06:31 PM] Katana < 3: i feel like this is sarcastic
[6:08:06 PM] oh no [mang]: its not sarcastic
[6:08:10 PM] oh no [mang]: gaspo
[6:15:25 PM] Katana < 3: fletch how many signatures do u need to make a fursona
[6:15:34 PM] oh no [mang]: 23