

2016-06-10 16:05

Después de haber presenciado directamente el acto de graduación de unos de los alumnos y de haber escuchado los comentarios de varios alumnos ya graduados me parece muy acertada esta peticion. Mi opinión sería que las notas y progresos de los alumnos deberían darse durante el año y no al final...el final solo debería ser una " fiesta" para los que egresan , sus familiares y también para los profesores , que después de todo son los que también deberían sentir la satisfacción de haber hecho un buen trabajo... Cosa que después de lo visto queda muy en duda.            

Si alguien puede traducir esto al inglés , le estaré agradecido..

Sandra Lenarsic
The author of this petition

#2 Re: #1

2016-06-10 16:32

#1: -  Having witnessed firsthand the graduation of some students and having heard the comments of several students and graduates seems very successful this request . My view would be that the notes and progress of students should be given during the year and not at the end ... the end should only be a "party" for those graduating , their families and also for teachers, who after all are they should also feel the satisfaction of having done a good job ... which after apparently is very much in doubt .
If anyone can translate it into English , I will be grateful ..

 I translated it from google translate, hope it is correct. If is not please, correct me. Thank you for comment.




2016-06-10 21:46

I am side wise connected to the PCC and what I see happening there also frustrated me. It is very similar to what was described in the petition!



2016-06-11 16:25

Because I know Sandi very well and know how much Music mean to him. I saw him how je has upgraded his talent at Music gimnasium in Koper. He is great musician, sincer and good interpret. Not just a dreamer, a person who puts a lot of sense of how Music is done and what does it mean. I belive in hiš karier an imporatance of hiš knolidge to be spred to young musician and audience.
A big support to him and hiš Music!



2016-06-11 18:27

Grading system as described can be used and abused - without a decent recording of each and every exam, allowing for a transparency hitherto not being practiced on said conservatory, it is easy to turn music education into a lucrative business - half a point can - literally - brake a person aspiring to be a musician. It is OK to be strict and not let pass the inferior students - but cases around the border between "yes" and "no" should be, along with every other, DOCUMENTED for the possibility of peer evaluation from other conservatories. As it is now, it can be a very well hidden , on the surface polite - scam. Which can last throughout the time of studying at the said conservatory - which is very cruel indeed.



2016-06-13 12:08

Cause grading system in PCC is unfair...and smells on coruption.



2016-06-13 12:24

Admin does great work. Majority of the faculty does not show the same professionalism. This starts at the top with leadership, a call at 11pm after an exam is over to let you know the results is not professional. Also, trying to throw a student out after an injury because he can't attend is rude and lacks class.



2016-06-13 13:19

Well guys to talk about corruption is kind of silly come on. But is some find the system unfair it should be open for discussion.



P.S.: I also think if we would like to express opinions is good to say our names.



2016-06-13 13:53

I totaly agree that the exams should be recorder and in case there is a real mistake it should be clear. I was at Sandi's exam and it was really good, and all the musicians had a lot of fun playing. I really hope there will be a change at the conservatorium for a fair grade and better musicians !



2016-06-13 14:52

I have seen many cases where students really give a good concert and get just 7,5 or 7 for it. I don`t think it is objective. Last year the grades in general were much higher. So that alone makes this thing a bit suspicious. There has to be some changes done. And especially for students who are involved with grants and scholarships, shouldn`t there be a little help from school?



2016-06-13 16:58

I support the cause



2016-06-13 19:38

I have never experienced a school in this world with as many angry and frustrated students as the PCC.

Organisation, lessons and exams are a total mess.
We called it "The scam" ( instead of "The school") for a good reason.

It's no surprise, but a shame what is now happening to Sandi.

With GOOD lessons, classes, and an ACTUAL study concept it would have been impossible to give a talented and motivated student like Sandi a 7.5.

PCC guys: It's your fault. Shame on you.



2016-06-14 09:34

Good job, Sandra. I hope you make it.