think your not doing your jobs and your bored

/ #25 incorrect use of your power

2014-02-04 17:33

Are you people stupid... listen to me when I say that its pathetic that you are in charge. I dont agree with how things are going now and I definitely dont agree with banning those animals! How old are you people?? If your angry by this... good. At the moment.. nobody is registered as as breeder and laws are not strict on exotic animals.... thats your fault. Now you want to make a huge jump and go to the extremes... and jumping from no structure and rules.... to banning everything. Think you guys are smoking something and I can get a 10year old to make better decisions. The trade will forever be there! Taking away our right to own and care for an animal is f up. So begin by implementing reasonable laws to get rid of those people who mistreet the animals and gives owning animal a bad name and grant the people who love and respect the animals the right yo own them if they can care for them! Do the right thing.