Seaford Head School Phone Ban


/ #52 We need our phones

2014-02-25 17:04

For goodness sake!
This is ridiculous, I can see what they are trying to do. They are trying to stop people from using phones in lessons (which still happens even WITH this rule in place -_-') but, very few of us do that. Most of us only check them either in between lessons or in break/lunch. I don't see how checking your phone during those periods affects your learning when you're NOT EVEN IN LESSONS!! Why should all of us have to suffer?
Also, for those saying "Wel, u cn jst use student services fone!!!1!11!"...some can't. It costs money (which some people don't have a lot of) to use their phone and there'll be a long queue of people waiting to use it. I don't want to wait 10/15/20 minutes to phone my parents with money I don't have. I'd rather use my phone to call them at break/lunch which takes seconds and (if you're on contract) doesn't cost you money on the spot.
Lolz, my rant is now over XD Hopefully this silly rule is removed ~