Ban the sale of "LEGAL HIGHS" in New Zealand

Tom Hemopo

/ #45 Legal Highs

2014-03-21 06:35

The government is only interested in the large amount of taxes that these shops will produce The ministry of health shut down the two shops that we're selling these so called legal highs so Hastings clients are now coming over to purchase their daily fix from Napier. A rough estimate of a daily take is between 7 or 8 thousand dollars Not bad money for a day work multiple that by 7 days and a weeks takings would be between 49 -56 thousand dollars Napier city council need to find some intestinal fortitude and shut down this shop as it is damaging the inner cities business reputation, it is creating more crackheads, more people will end up with drug problems, violence will follow, family members will turn on each other, innocent children will suffer The list is endless but the ones mentioned will suffice This topic should be raised when politicians start their campaigns - simple question to ask what are you going to do about the legal high shops etc